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如何使用 Opencv 定位矩形的像素坐标?

[英]How to locate pixel coordinates of a rectangle using Opencv?

I'm making this Question because when I was editing my answer in the original post it was deleted.我提出这个问题是因为当我在原始帖子中编辑我的答案时,它被删除了。

The original question was:原来的问题是:

I'm trying to get the pixel coordinates of the green rectangle on the image below.我正在尝试获取下图中绿色矩形的像素坐标。 I suppose it's possible using OpenCV.我想可以使用 OpenCV。 (i blurred all private details) (我模糊了所有私人细节) <code>在此输入图片说明</code>

I had to make sure that the rectangle was totally green by using the Chrome color picker.我必须使用 Chrome 颜色选择器确保矩形完全是绿色的。

使用 Chrome 颜色选择器查找矩形颜色

As the color is in hex format #00FF00, which is equivalent to RGB notation RGB(0, 255, 0).因为颜色是十六进制格式#00FF00,相当于RGB符号RGB(0, 255, 0)。 But in OpenCV the color is represented in the BGR notation, then to get the green color in OpenCV, we have the following definition: BGR(0, 255, 0).但是在 OpenCV 中,颜色以 BGR 表示法表示,然后要在 OpenCV 中得到绿色,我们有以下定义:BGR(0, 255, 0)。

What we should do is to iterate over every pixel and check its value.我们应该做的是遍历每个像素并检查其值。 The first time we find a pixel that matches BGR(0, 255, 0), we store this coordinate, which will be the top left corner of the green rectange, as loop starts at top left corner in the image and goes to the right until the end, then it moves 1 px down and starts again on the left to the right and so on, until it reaches the last image's pixel.当我们第一次找到一个匹配 BGR(0, 255, 0) 的像素时,我们存储这个坐标,它将是绿色矩形的左上角,因为循环从图像的左上角开始并向右移动直到结束,然后它向下移动 1 px 并从左到右再次开始,依此类推,直到到达最后一个图像的像素。

Every time a pixel is green I store its coordinates, because at the end of the green rectangle I'll have the bottom right green rectangle's coordinate.每次像素为绿色时,我都会存储它的坐标,因为在绿色矩形的末端,我将拥有右下角绿色矩形的坐标。 I dicided to explain step by step inside the code below:我决定在下面的代码中逐步解释:

import cv2

coordinates = []  # list of the green rectangle coordinates
green_color = [0, 255, 0]
last_x_green, last_y_green = 0, 0  # store the last x and y green positions

# reads the image in the color mode
img = cv2.imread('original.jpg', 1)
rows, cols, _ = img.shape  # gets the image's rows and color, which are height and width

for x in range(rows):
    for y in range(cols):
        px = list(img[x, y])
        if px == green_color:
            # find the first coordinate of the green rectangle (top left corner)
            if len(coordinates) == 0:
                coordinates.append((y, x))  # top left corner of the green rectangle

            last_x_green, last_y_green = x, y

coordinates.append((last_y_green, last_x_green))

# Now we have the top left corner and the bottom right corner of the green rectangle

# As printed above, the coordinates of top left corner and bottom right corner of the green rectangle are (167, 2508)
# and (615, 2951), respectivelly.
# We can find the other coordinates based on these two coordinates the following way:
# Let's assume these coordinates are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The bottom left corner must be at (x1, y2) and the top
# right corner must be (x2, y1). Therefore, the bottom left coordinate is (167, 2951) and the top right coordinate is
# (615, 2580).
# Generically, we would have the four points represents in this form:
# coordinates: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
top_left = coordinates[0]  # (x1, y1)
bottom_left = (coordinates[0][0], coordinates[1][1])  # (x1, y2)
top_right = (coordinates[1][0], coordinates[0][1])  # (x2, y1)
bottom_right = coordinates[1]

print('The coordinates of the green rectangle, from left to right and from top to bottom, are:')
print(f'Top Left: {top_left}, Top Right: {top_right}, Bottom Left: {bottom_left}, Bottom Right: {bottom_right}')

# Syntax: cv2.rectangle(image, start_point, end_point, color, thickness)
# Draw a 10 px red rectangle around the green rectangle and save the image.
# We only need the top left and bottom right corner to draw it
cv2.rectangle(img, coordinates[0], coordinates[len(coordinates) - 1], (0, 0, 255), 10)
cv2.imwrite('rectangle_detected.jpg', img)
[(167, 2508), (615, 2951)]
The coordinates of the green rectangle, from left to right and from top to bottom, are: 
Top Left: (167, 2508), Top Right: (615, 2508), Bottom Left: (167, 2951), Bottom Right: (615, 2951)
Process finished with exit code 0

That's the image result:这是图像结果: 绿色矩形周围的红色矩形

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