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从 C++ 更新自定义 QML 组件

[英]Update Custom QML component from from C++

I am working on a c++/QML with Opencv Project.. I have found that the best way to view the processed image in QMl is to write a custom QML component that extends QQuickPaintedItem in c++ and it is working well: I am working on a c++/QML with Opencv Project.. I have found that the best way to view the processed image in QMl is to write a custom QML component that extends QQuickPaintedItem in c++ and it is working well:

class ImageView : public QQuickPaintedItem{
 Q_PROPERTY(QImage image READ image WRITE setImage NOTIFY imageChanged)
    // I need to pass a pointer of ImageService
  ImageView(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr, ImageService *imageService = nullptr);

  Q_INVOKABLE void updateImage();
  void paint(QPainter *painter);
  QImage image() const;
  void imageChanged();
  QImage m_image;
  ImageService *m_imageService;

and I registered this type in C++ like the following:我在 C++ 中注册了这种类型,如下所示:

 qmlRegisterType<ImageView>("opencv.plugin", 1, 0, "ImageView");

My Problem is: I have this class ImageService that does all the work and holds the last version of the image after processing:我的问题是:我有这个 class ImageService完成所有工作并在处理后保存图像的最新版本:

class ImageService

    bool openImage(const std::string &);
    QImage toQImage();
    bool isValid();

    std::string m_imagePath;
    cv::Mat m_image;


I need ImageView component to update itself after any operation that ImageService perform using updateImage() function.ImageService使用updateImage() function 执行任何操作后,我需要ImageView组件来更新自身。

I tried: I thought about:我试过:我想过:

  1. passing a pointer to ImageService to ImageView, But I do not see how.将指向ImageService的指针传递给 ImageView,但我不知道如何。
  2. Making ImageService as Qml Property and pass a QML Image from Qml to the ImageView component,But I do not think that it is a good idea. Making ImageService as Qml Property and pass a QML Image from Qml to the ImageView component,But I do not think that it is a good idea.

In case you only have one ImageView it is easy to make it a Q_PROPERTY of a model.如果您只有一个ImageView ,很容易将其设置为 model 的Q_PROPERTY

class ImageModel : public QObject 
    Q_PROPERTY(ImageView *image1 READ image1 CONSTANT)

    ImageModel(ImageService *service)
      : service_(service)
      , image1_(new ImageView(/*parent=*/ this, /*service=*/service_)
    { }

    ImageView* image1() const { return image1_; }

    ImageService *service_;
    ImageView *image1_;

Change your main:改变你的主要:


QQmlEngine engine;
ImageService theService;
ImageModel coreModel(&theService);
QQmlContext *context = new QQmlContext(engine.rootContext());
context->setContextProperty("images", &coreModel);

The in qml you can use:在 qml 你可以使用:

<imageproperty>: images.image1

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