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[英]Python : 'Series' objects are mutable, thus they cannot be hashed

I have a DataFrame df with text as below:我有一个 DataFrame df,文本如下:

        |      File_name      |     Content                       | 
        |          BI1.txt    |  I am writing this letter ...     |
        |          BI2.txt    |  Yes ! I would like to pursue...  |

I would like to create an additional column which provides the syllable count with:我想创建一个额外的列,提供音节计数:

       df['syllable_count']= textstat.syllable_count(df['content'])

The error:错误:

           Series objects are mutable, thus they cannot be hashed

How can I change the Content column to hashable?如何将内容列更改为可散列? How can I fix this error?我该如何解决这个错误? Thanks for your help !谢谢你的帮助 !

Try doing it this way:尝试这样做:

df['syllable_count'] = df.content.apply(lambda x: textstat.syllable_count(x))


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