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在 python 的单个元素列表中检查字符串是否存在的有效方法是什么

[英]What is the efficient way to check a present of a string in a single element list in python

I have a single element list like below我有一个如下所示的单个元素列表

listx=['Digital Operations']

My goal is to just check if the word 'Digital' is present in the list listx我的目标是检查列表 listx 中是否存在“数字”一词

I wrote the below code我写了下面的代码

if any('Digital') in listx:
  print("the word digital is present")
  print("word Digital not found")

I am getting the output "word Digital not found" despite it being clearly there.我得到了 output “word Digital not found”,尽管它显然在那里。 What am i doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Try this:-尝试这个:-

listx=['Digital Operations']

if 'Digital' in listx[0]:
    print("the word digital is present")
    print("word Digital not found")

Output:- Output:-

the word digital is present

the any() function takes an iterable (for example a list) and returns True if any of its values is True . any() function 接受一个可迭代对象(例如一个列表),如果其中任何一个值为True True You are calling it with a str wich will evaluate to True So basically your if statement then says你用str调用它,它将评估为True所以基本上你的 if 语句然后说

if True in listx:

which will in turn evaluate to False , causing your problem.这将反过来评估为False ,从而导致您的问题。

If you would like to use any() you could use a list comprehension like this:如果你想使用any()你可以使用这样的列表推导:

listx = ['Digital Operations']

listy = ['Digital' in elem for elem in listx]
if any(listy):
  print("the word digital is present")
  print("word Digital not found")

For a more efficent version you can use a generator expression that replaces the need for listy and combines it into the if -statement like this:对于更有效的版本,您可以使用生成器表达式来替换对listy的需求并将其组合到if语句中,如下所示:

if any('Digital' in elem for elem in listx):

thank's to wjandrea comment感谢 wjandrea 的评论

any() checks for True values, so if you change your first line to any()检查True值,因此如果您将第一行更改为

if any(any([x=='Digital' for x in y.split()]) for y in listx):

You should be fine.你应该没事。

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