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Bundle ID 未列出 App store 连接新应用列表 (Xcode 11.4.1)

[英]Bundle ID not listed App store connect new app list (Xcode 11.4.1)

I have created a developer account for two weeks, and now I want to submit my first App.我已经创建了两周的开发者帐户,现在我想提交我的第一个应用程序。 However, when I click new app, the bundle ID list does NOT show the project I would like to submit, but It do show some projects I used to practice.但是,当我点击新应用时,bundle ID 列表并没有显示我想提交的项目,但它确实显示了一些我曾经练习过的项目。 I have look up a variety of solutions on internet, including sign out and log in again, or clean up my Safari data.我在互联网上查找了各种解决方案,包括注销并重新登录,或者清理我的 Safari 数据。 I have suspected some reason, but I'm not quite sure if it right?我怀疑某些原因,但我不太确定它是否正确?

  1. First doubt: some SDK import?第一个疑惑:有些SDK进口?

The Bundle ID shows on the list are some small project I used to practice when I was a beginner.列表中显示的 Bundle ID 是我在初学者时练习的一些小项目。 Recently, I have tried to use some SDK like Facebook SDK and Firebase.最近,我尝试使用一些 SDK,例如 Facebook SDK 和 Z035489FF8D392741943E4F。 Facebook and Firebase works fine on my simulator and iPhone devices. Facebook 和 Firebase 在我的模拟器和 iPhone 设备上运行良好。 So I'm not quite think this might be the reason, nut just type on in case I missed something所以我不太认为这可能是原因,只是输入以防我错过了什么

  1. Second doubt: Xcode version?第二个疑惑:Xcode版本?

When I tried to using Firebase, since iOS 13.3.1 seems not to support, so I update my iPhone to iOS 13.4.1.当我尝试使用 Firebase 时,由于 iOS 13.3.1 似乎不支持,所以我将我的 iPhone 更新为 iOS 13.4.1。 However, the Xcode should also be updated to 11.4.1, otherwise it cannot connect to my devices.但是,Xcode 也应该更新到 11.4.1,否则无法连接到我的设备。 When I look up the bundle IDs listed on App Store Connect, I think those projects are created before I updated Xcode.当我查看 App Store Connect 上列出的捆绑包 ID 时,我认为这些项目是在我更新 Xcode 之前创建的。 The project created after updated not showed on the list.更新后创建的项目未显示在列表中。 But I have created too many projects to practice, so I'm not quite sure I remembered right.但是我已经创建了太多需要练习的项目,所以我不太确定我是否记得正确。 I suspect this might be the reason, anyone else met the same problem after updated Xcode?我怀疑这可能是原因,其他人在更新 Xcode 后遇到同样的问题吗?

By the way, there is also a strange thing confused me.顺便说一句,还有一件奇怪的事情让我很困惑。 I have deleted some projects I used to practiced on my MAC, but they stilled shown on the list... I have manually deleted on my Apple Developer Web.我已经删除了一些我曾经在我的 MAC 上练习过的项目,但它们仍然显示在列表中......我已经在我的 Apple Developer Web 上手动删除了。

1) Go to https://developer.apple.com/account and set up the app with its explicit bundle ID. 1) Go 到https://developer.apple.com/account并使用其显式捆绑 ID 设置应用程序。

2) Then go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com > "Create new app" > Select the previously created bundle ID. 2) Then go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com > "Create new app" > Select the previously created bundle ID.

This does not really have anything to do with SDK usage or Xcode setup.这与 SDK 使用或 Xcode 设置没有任何关系。 (Automatic code signing might do some steps for you, but the most bullet-proof way is mentioned above) (自动代码签名可能会为您完成一些步骤,但上面提到了最防弹的方法)

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