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如何使用简单的字符串更改自定义 Info.plist 键

[英]how can I change custom Info.plist key with simple string

I wanna add a custom key to info.plist file but **Apple** says it should be unique.我想在info.plist文件中添加一个自定义键,但**Apple**说它应该是唯一的。 so I add the key as **NSCustomKeyName** or **ZSCustomKeyName**.所以我将密钥添加为**NSCustomKeyName****ZSCustomKeyName**. but it should be read "Custom Key" when I do Open As->Property List.但是当我打开As->Property List 时,它应该被读取为"Custom Key" but it stays same as **NSCustomKeyName** or **ZSCustomKeyName** .但它与**NSCustomKeyName****ZSCustomKeyName**相同。 how can I do that?.我怎样才能做到这一点?。 I mean how can I convert **CFBundleName** key to **" Bundle name"** .我的意思是如何将**CFBundleName**键转换为**" Bundle name"**

The key-name / Property List name "translation" is done by Xcode via an internal lookup table.键名/属性列表名称“翻译”由 Xcode 通过内部查找表完成。 It's not simply a "strip the prefix and put spaces before upper-case letters" process.这不仅仅是一个“去掉前缀并在大写字母前放置空格”的过程。

For example, when viewing as source, you may have this key:例如,当作为源查看时,您可能有这个键:


which, when viewed as a Property List shows as:其中,当作为属性列表查看时,显示为:

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If you want to add your own "custom" keys, you are not required to use a prefix... that's just an easy way to make sure they're unique.如果您想添加自己的“自定义”键,则不需要使用前缀......这只是确保它们唯一的一种简单方法。

For example, source view:例如,源视图:

<key>My Key</key>
<string>My Value</string>

will show in Property List view as:将在属性列表视图中显示为:

My Key          | My Value

and can be accessed with:并且可以通过以下方式访问:

Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["My Key"]

If I prefix that as:如果我将其前缀为:

com.donmag.My Key

That's how it will show up in Property List view, and I would have to access it with:这就是它在属性列表视图中的显示方式,我必须通过以下方式访问它:

Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["com.donmag.My Key"]

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