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[英]Running different function parallel in python3.7 using multiprocessing

I want to run two different function in parallel in python, I have used the below code:我想在 python 中并行运行两个不同的 function,我使用了以下代码:

def remove_special_char(data):
    data['Description'] = data['Description'].apply(lambda val: re.sub(r'^=', "'=", str(val))) # Change cell values which start with '=' sign leading to Excel formula issues

file_path1 = '.\file1.xlsx'
file_path2 = '.\file2.xlsx'

def method1(file_path1):
    data = pd.read_excel(file_path1)
    data= remove_special_char(data)
    return data

def method2(file_path2):
    data = pd.read_excel(file_path2)
    data= remove_special_char(data)
    return data

I am using the below Pool process, but its not working.我正在使用下面的Pool进程,但它不起作用。

from multiprocessing import Pool

p = Pool(3)
result1 = p.map(method1(file_path1), args=file_path1) 
result2 = p.map(method2(file_path1), args=file_path2) 

I want to run both these methods in parallel to save execution time and at the same time get the return value as well.我想并行运行这两种方法以节省执行时间,同时也获得返回值。

I don't know why you are defining the same method twice with different parameter names, but anyway the map method of Pool s is taking as its first argument a function, and the second argument is an iterable.我不知道你为什么用不同的参数名称定义相同的方法两次,但无论如何Pool s 的map方法将 function 作为其第一个参数,第二个参数是可迭代的。 What map does is call the function on each item of the iterable, and return a list with all the results. map所做的是在迭代的每个项目上调用 function,并返回一个包含所有结果的列表。 So what you want to do is more something like:所以你想要做的更像是:

from multiprocessing import Pool

file_paths = ('.\file1.xlsx', '.\file2.xlsx')

def method(file_path):
    data = pd.read_excel(file_path)
    data= remove_special_char(data)
    return data

with Pool(3) as p:
    result = p.map(method, file_paths) 

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