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我需要从 cisco 设备中获取一些信息。 它是 cisco-ios-xe 设备

[英]I need to get some information form the cisco device. It is cisco-ios-xe device

I have a CISCO device.我有一个 CISCO 设备。 The device is configured with the WebUI.设备配置了 WebUI。 Which have many details?哪个有很多细节? But I am not able to get these following details from there.但我无法从那里获得以下详细信息。

  1. CPU Load CPU 负载
  2. Temperature温度
  3. Device details.设备详细信息。
  4. Memory use Memory 使用
  5. Alarms警报

I have tried many times to get those above define values.我已经尝试过很多次来获得上面定义的值。 But not able to get any things, Please help.但无法得到任何东西,请帮助。

Depending on the model & software version, the web UI can vary.根据 model 和软件版本,web UI 可能会有所不同。 You'll have better luck obtaining those details utilising CLI instead.使用 CLI 获取这些详细信息会更好。

Whilst the CLI is fairly consistent between models/software versions, some commands might not be available.虽然 CLI 在模型/软件版本之间相当一致,但某些命令可能不可用。 Consulting the Cisco documentation for your specific hardware & software revisions should help.查阅 Cisco 文档以了解您的特定硬件和软件版本应该会有所帮助。

CPU Load CPU 负载

show processes cpu history
Will show you the CPU usage over 60 seconds, 1 hour and 72 hours.将显示 60 秒、1 小时和 72 小时的 CPU 使用率。

show processes cpu
Will show you the running processes with the CPU utilisation over 5 seconds, 1 minute and 5 minutes.将显示 CPU 利用率超过 5 秒、1 分钟和 5 分钟的运行进程。


show environment all
show environment temperature
Outputs all the environmental conditions including power & temperature.输出所有环境条件,包括功率和温度。 You'll find the temperatures within the temperature section.您会在温度部分找到温度。

Device details.设备详细信息。

show version
Displays the core information about your device & software.显示有关您的设备和软件的核心信息。 This includes the hardware details, IOS & ROM software versions, interfaces & memory, and system uptime/previous reload reason.这包括硬件详细信息、IOS 和 ROM 软件版本、接口和 memory 以及系统正常运行时间/之前重新加载的原因。

show inventory
Will output details about any additional hardware installed into your device, such as SFP, their type & serial numbers. output 将详细说明安装到您的设备中的任何其他硬件,例如 SFP、它们的类型和序列号。

Memory use Memory 使用

show processes memory
Whilst show version shows you the total memory installed into your device, show processes memory shows you how it's being utilised, by which process, and how much is remaining.虽然show version向您显示安装到您的设备中的总 memory,但show processes memory向您显示它是如何被使用的,由哪个进程以及剩余多少。

show flash: / show bootflash show flash: / show bootflash
Will show you the files being stored into the flash memory, their sizes & how much space is left.将显示存储在 flash memory 中的文件、它们的大小和剩余空间。


show alarms / show facility-alarm status show alarms / show facility-alarm status
If your equipment has an alarm indicator, the above commands will show advise you what's alarmed & the reasoning.如果您的设备有警报指示器,上述命令将显示告诉您警报的原因和原因。

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