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Pandas Dataframe 中两个大列之间的计算

[英]Computation between two large columns in a Pandas Dataframe

I have a dataframe that has 2 columns of zipcodes, I would like to add another column with their distance values, I am able to do this with a fairly low number of rows, but I am now working with a dataframe that has about 500,000 rows for calculations.我有一个 dataframe,它有 2 列邮政编码,我想添加另一列及其距离值,我可以用相当少的行数来做到这一点,但我现在正在使用一个 dataframe,它有大约 500,000 行用于计算。 The code I have works, but on my current dataframe it's been about 30 minutes of running, and still no completion, so I feel what i'm doing is extremely inefficient.我的代码有效,但在我当前的 dataframe 上运行了大约 30 分钟,但仍然没有完成,所以我觉得我正在做的事情非常低效。

Here is the code这是代码

import pgeocode
dist = pgeocode.GeoDistance('us')

def distance_pairing(start,end):
    return dist.query_postal_code(start, end)

zips['distance'] = zips.apply(lambda x: distance_pairing(x['zipstart'], x['zipend']), axis=1)


I know looping is out of the question, so is there something else I can do, efficiency wise that would make this better?我知道循环是不可能的,所以我还能做些什么,提高效率,使它变得更好?

Whenever possible, use vectorized operations in pandas and numpy. In this case:尽可能在 pandas 和 numpy 中使用向量化运算。在这种情况下:

zips['distance'] = dist.query_postal_code(

This won't always work, but in this case, the underlying pgeocode.haversine function is written (in numpy) to accommodate arrays of x and y coordinates.这并不总是有效,但在这种情况下,底层pgeocode.haversine function 被写入(在 numpy 中)以容纳 arrays 的 x 和 y 坐标。 This should speed up your code by several orders of magnitude for a dataframe of this size.对于这种大小的 dataframe,这会将您的代码加速几个数量级。

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