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如何将 Backbone/RequireJS 模块导入 React/Webpack 应用程序

[英]How to import a Backbone/RequireJS module into a React/Webpack app

We have a legacy Backbone application that we are moving over to React.我们有一个遗留的 Backbone 应用程序,我们正在迁移到 React。 An interim step we are attempting is loading a bundled Backbone module into a React page, until we have time to fully rewrite it.我们正在尝试的一个临时步骤是将捆绑的 Backbone 模块加载到 React 页面中,直到我们有时间完全重写它。 I am halfway there, I can bundle up the app and all its dependencies with r.js using a config like this:我已经完成了一半,我可以使用如下配置将应用程序及其所有依赖项与 r.js 捆绑在一起:

    baseUrl: './',
    name: 'myapp',
    paths: {
      'myapp': './legacy/app'
    out: 'src/appbuilt.js'

The module is set up like this:模块设置如下:

define(function(require) {
    var $ = require('jquery'),
        _ = require('underscore'),
        templates = $(require('text!templates/app.html')),
        app = {};

    app.View = .....
    app.Model = .....

    return app;

That bundle works on the Backbone side.该捆绑包适用于 Backbone 端。 Next I need to turn that into something I can import into React and render.接下来我需要把它变成我可以导入 React 并渲染的东西。 I am trying things like this:我正在尝试这样的事情:

npx babel src/appbuilt.js --out-file src/appbuilt.es6.js --plugins=@babel/transform-modules-umd

Which works to give me a UMD module, but importing it like this:这可以给我一个 UMD 模块,但是像这样导入它:

import * as legacyapp from '../../appbuilt.es6';

Gives me warnings on the build like:给我关于构建的警告,例如:

Critical dependency: require function is used in a way in which dependencies cannot be statically extracted关键依赖:要求 function 以无法静态提取依赖的方式使用

And errors on page load that are probably symptoms of something:页面加载错误可能是某些症状:

Uncaught TypeError: name.split is not a function未捕获的类型错误:name.split 不是 function

What is the secret sauce to get my module converted into something I can use?将我的模块转换为我可以使用的东西的秘诀是什么? I am open to modifying how the Backbone app does its imports, or making a wrapper of some kind that is more easily translatable.我愿意修改 Backbone 应用程序的导入方式,或者制作某种更容易翻译的包装器。

I am not sure but I can guess that the format of your AMD modules is the problem here.我不确定,但我可以猜测您的 AMD 模块的格式是这里的问题。 Try converting them to regular AMD modules:尝试将它们转换为常规 AMD 模块:

    ['jquery', 'underscore', 'text!templates/app.html' /* add rest of dependencies here */],
    function ($, underscore, templates /** add parameters for rest of dependencies here */)
        var app = {};

        // app.View = ...
        // app.Model = ...

        return app;

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