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在团队中创建新频道时的 Microsoft 图形通知

[英]Microsoft graph notification when new channel created in teams

I would like to receive a webhook notification when a new channel is created in a group in microsoft teams.当在 microsoft 团队的组中创建新频道时,我希望收到 webhook 通知。

I already implemented receiving notifications when user is added to a group through teams (using this API - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/subscription?view=graph-rest-1.0 ).当用户通过团队添加到组时,我已经实现了接收通知(使用此 API - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/subscription?view=graph-rest-1.0 )。 Unfortunately, it seems like group subscription is not triggered when a new channel is added.不幸的是,添加新频道时似乎没有触发群组订阅。

Is there any other subscription I can use?我可以使用其他订阅吗? Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

If you have the possibility to add a bot to the Team, then bots can receive this using the bot event mechanisms.如果您有可能将机器人添加到团队,那么机器人可以使用机器人事件机制接收此信息。 Have a look at Handle bot events , and in particular this section .查看Handle bot 事件,尤其是本节 Once your bot has received the notification, you can of course do whatever you need to do.一旦你的机器人收到通知,你当然可以做任何你需要做的事情。

Subscribing to channel events is not supported today by Microsoft graph. Microsoft graph 目前不支持订阅频道事件。 You can upvote the following idea to help prioritize efforts and also be notified whenever progress is made.您可以投票支持以下想法,以帮助确定工作的优先级,并在取得进展时收到通知。

https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/forums/920506-microsoft-graph-feature-requests/suggestions/37288522-microsoft-teams-create-channel-with-a-webhook https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/forums/920506-microsoft-graph-feature-requests/suggestions/37288522-microsoft-teams-create-channel-with-a-webhook


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