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从 Microsoft Teams 频道向 web service(java) 发送消息通知

[英]Send message notification to web service(java) from Microsoft Teams channel

My use case is when a user creates or updates a message in the Teams channel that message should come to my web service(java URL) without @mention, Please suggest me any idea.我的用例是当用户在 Teams 频道中创建或更新一条消息时,该消息应该在没有@mention 的情况下发送到我的 web 服务(java URL),请给我任何想法。

Have a look at the documentation here: Receive all channel messages with RSC .查看此处的文档: 使用 RSC 接收所有频道消息 Here you will get the notification of messages receives on channel.在这里,您将收到频道上收到的消息的通知。 The samples are not yet available for JAVA. But you can get idea with C#/Node.js - here JAVA 的示例尚不可用。但您可以使用 C#/Node.js 了解 - 此处

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