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方括号组和逗号的正则表达式 javascript

[英]regex for group of square brackets and comma javascript

I'm trying to construct a regular expression which I can use to replace all instances of "],[" with just "," in a string.我正在尝试构建一个正则表达式,我可以用它来替换字符串中的所有“],[”实例,只用“,”。

I'm stuck on this.我坚持这一点。

I've been through a number of different combinations - currently trying:我经历了许多不同的组合 - 目前正在尝试:

str.replace(/(\[,\])/, ',');

But it's not picking it up and I can't see what's wrong with it - anything obvious I'm doing wrong here?但它没有捡起它,我看不出它有什么问题 - 有什么明显的我做错了吗?


You are using the brackets in wrong order and you need to match multiple occurrences with the g flag.您以错误的顺序使用括号,并且需要将多次出现与g标志匹配。

So you may use所以你可以使用

text = text.replace(/],\[/g, ',')

Or, if you want to use a capturing group,或者,如果您想使用捕获组,

text = text.replace(/](,)\[/g, '$1')

See regex demo #1 and regex demo #2 .请参阅正则表达式演示 #1正则表达式演示 #2

NOTE : If there may be any amount of whitespace between the brackets, use \s* to match it, eg text = text.replace(/]\s*,\s*\[/g, ',') .注意:如果括号之间可能有任何数量的空格,请使用\s*来匹配它,例如text = text.replace(/]\s*,\s*\[/g, ',')

JS demo: JS 演示:

 var text = "text],[text2],[text3"; console.log(text.replace(/],\[/g, ',')); console.log(text.replace(/](,)\[/g, '$1'));

Your square brackets are positioned wrongly, and you don't need the normal brackets.您的方括号位置错误,您不需要普通括号。

Let's go in steps:让我们按步骤 go:

  1. You want to replace all intances of ],[ so you need to use the following:您想替换],[的所有实例,因此您需要使用以下内容:

The g in the regexp is ensures that all instances are replaced.正则表达式中的g确保所有实例都被替换。

  1. [ and ] are special characters, so you use \ to stop regexp from parsing them: []是特殊字符,因此您使用\来阻止正则表达式解析它们:

Final Result:最后结果:

 let str = '[myString],[AnotherString]'; str = str.replace(/\],\[/g, ","); console.log(str);

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