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当 webhook 失败时,Docusign 信封通知会发生什么?

[英]What happens to Docusign envelope notifications when webhook fails?

I am trying to implement Docusign in my company's system.我正在尝试在我公司的系统中实施 Docusign。 I figured out how to use REST API and how to implement webhook to receive envelope event notifications.我想出了如何使用 REST API 以及如何实现 webhook 来接收信封事件通知。 However I am wondering what happens when webhook returnes an error?但是我想知道当 webhook 返回错误时会发生什么? Does Docusign resends notification after some amount of time? Docusign 是否会在一段时间后重新发送通知? I can not find anything in the documentation.我在文档中找不到任何内容。 Do I have to implement a pooling mechanism alongside with the webhook or there is a better way to manage this cases?我是否必须与 webhook 一起实施池机制,或者有更好的方法来管理这种情况?


So here what i see in the failure journals:所以这里是我在失败日志中看到的: 在此处输入图像描述

One actually was republished but not the other one.一个实际上被重新发布,但另一个没有。 Maybe error code makes the difference?也许错误代码有所作为? The first one was a 5xx server side error and the other one 404 initially and 404 the second time too.第一个是 5xx 服务器端错误,另一个是最初的 404,第二次也是 404。

However DocuSign is not trying second attempt strait away but waits 24h?然而,DocuSign 并没有尝试第二次尝试,而是等待 24 小时?

Here is how I configure the envelope for notifications in C#:以下是我在 C# 中配置通知信封的方法:

envelope.EventNotification = new EventNotification()
    Url = _webhookUrl,
    RequireAcknowledgment = "true",
    LoggingEnabled = "true",
    IncludeEnvelopeVoidReason = "true",
    IncludeDocuments = "false",
    IncludeCertificateOfCompletion = "false",
    IncludeCertificateWithSoap = "false",
    IncludeDocumentFields = "false",
    IncludeHMAC = "false",
    IncludeSenderAccountAsCustomField = "false",
    IncludeTimeZone = "false",
    UseSoapInterface = "false",
    EnvelopeEvents = new List<EnvelopeEvent>() { new EnvelopeEvent("completed"), new EnvelopeEvent("declined"), new EnvelopeEvent("voided") },
    RecipientEvents = new List<RecipientEvent>() { new RecipientEvent(null, "Completed") }

If the Require Acknowledgement option is selected and a publication message fails to be acknowledged during the next 24 hours, the message goes back into the queue and the system will retry delivery after a successful acknowledgement is received.如果选择了 Require Acknowledgment 选项并且在接下来的 24 小时内未能确认发布消息,则该消息将返回到队列中,并且系统将在收到成功的确认后重试传递。 This is for either no acknowledgment or a bad HTTP result.这是因为没有确认或错误的 HTTP 结果。 If a good HTTP results comes at anytime, the connect log is updated and the message is removed from the queue.如果一个好的 HTTP 结果随时出现,则更新连接日志并将消息从队列中删除。 There is a maximum of ten retries.最多重试十次。

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