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将 sql 数据转换为 Json 数组 [java spark]

[英]Convert sql data to Json Array [java spark]

I have dataframe, wanted to convert into JSON ARRAY Please find the example below我有 dataframe,想转换成 JSON ARRAY 请在下面找到示例

Dataframe Dataframe

|     Name|                  id|request_id|create_timestamp|deadline_timestamp|
|    Freeform|59bbe3ad-f487-44| htvjiwmfe|   1589155200000|   1591272659556
|         D23|59bbe3ad-f487-44| htvjiwmfe|   1589155200000|   1591272659556
|      Stores|59bbe3ad-f487-44| htvjiwmfe|   1589155200000|   1591272659556
|VacationClub|59bbe3ad-f487-44| htvjiwmfe|   1589155200000|   1591272659556

Wanted in Json Like below:在 Json 中通缉如下:



  • You can define 2 beans您可以定义 2 个 bean
  • Create Array from the 1st DF as Array of inner Beans从第一个 DF 创建数组作为内部 Bean 数组
  • Define a parent bean with testname and requestDetailArray as Array用 testname 和 requestDetailArray 定义一个父 bean 作为 Array

Please also find code inline comments另请查找代码内联注释

object DataToJsonArray {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val spark = Constant.getSparkSess

    import spark.implicits._

    //Load you dataframe
    val requestDetailArray = List(
      ("Freeform", "59bbe3ad-f487-44", "htvjiwmfe", "1589155200000", "1591272659556"),
      ("D23", "59bbe3ad-f487-44", "htvjiwmfe", "1589155200000", "1591272659556"),
      ("Stores", "59bbe3ad-f487-44", "htvjiwmfe", "1589155200000", "1591272659556"),
      ("VacationClub", "59bbe3ad-f487-44", "htvjiwmfe", "1589155200000", "1591272659556")
      //Map your Dataframe to RequestDetails bean
      .map(row => RequestDetails(row.getString(0), row.getString(1), row.getString(2), row.getString(3), row.getString(4)))
      //Collect it as Array

    //Create another data frme with List[BaseClass] and set the (testname,Array[RequestDetails])
    List(BaseClass("xyz", requestDetailArray)).toDF()
      //Output your Dataframe as JSON


case class RequestDetails(Name: String, id: String, request_id: String, create_timestamp: String, deadline_timestamp: String)

case class BaseClass(testname: String = "xyz", systemResponse: Array[RequestDetails])

Check below code.检查下面的代码。

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._


|json_data                                                                                                                                      |


scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)


// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

|json_data                                                                                                                                                       |

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