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[英]Sequelize Many to Many realtionship

I'm using Sequelize, and I have two models, with many to many relationships, the employees model it has RegistrationNmuber as Primary Key, firstName, LastName amongst other information, and a message model it has an id attribute, from attribute which is the RegistrationNumber of the employee, and the to attribute contain the another RegistrationNumber of another employee, and message attribute, what I want to do is find the information of employee from the 'from attribute of message model', is it possible to do it and how??我正在使用 Sequelize,我有两个模型,具有多对多关系,员工 model 它具有 RegistrationNmuber 作为主键、名字、姓氏以及其他信息,以及一条消息 model 它有一个 id 属性,来自属性是员工的RegistrationNumber,to属性包含另一个员工的RegistrationNumber和message属性,我想做的是从“消息模型的from属性”中找到员工的信息,是否可以这样做以及如何?? if not can anybody please suggest a solution如果不能,请提出解决方案

             // employee model:
            module.exports = (sequelize,Sequelize) => {
const Employee = sequelize.define('Employee' ,{

 RegistrationNumber :{
  type: Sequelize.BIGINT,
  primaryKey: true
 CIN : {
    unique: true

FirstName: {
  type: Sequelize.STRING,

LastName: {
  type: Sequelize.STRING

  type: Sequelize.BLOB
 DateofBirth: {
  type: Sequelize.DATE,

PlaceOfBirth: {
  type: Sequelize.STRING,

Address: {
  type: Sequelize.TEXT,

Email: {
  type: Sequelize.TEXT,
  unique: true

PhoneNumber: {
  type: Sequelize.BIGINT,

DateofNamingRank :{
 type: Sequelize.DATE
DateofDesignationAdministration :{
  type: Sequelize.DATE
 Type :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 DateofDemarcation :{
  type: Sequelize.DATE
 Item :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Rank :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Case :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Position :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 ActualWork :{
 Wire :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Plan :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Specialization :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Intrest :{
  type: Sequelize.STRING
 Role :{
 Password :{
    );  return Employee;

     // message Model
        module.exports =( sequelize,Sequelize)=>{
const Messages = sequelize.define('Messages' ,{

    id :{
        type:  Sequelize.BIGINT,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true
    from :{
        type : Sequelize.BIGINT
    to :{
        type : Sequelize.BIGINT  
    } ,
       type: Sequelize.TEXT   
return Messages;

} }

                 // Relation
               through : "employee_Messages",
                } )
                db.messages.belongsToMany(db.employee , 

 db.messages.belongsTo(db.employee, { foreignKey: "from" }) db.messages.belongsTo(db.employee, { foreignKey: "to" }) messages.find({ where: { id: messageId }, include: [{ model: employee, as: from, required: true }, { model: employee, as: to, required: true } ] }).then(message => { const userfrom = message.from; const userto = message.to; })
I guess this helps. 我想这会有所帮助。

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