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如何用另一个模板 function(特别是 glm::dot)包装模板 function?

[英]How can I wrap a template function with another template function (specifically glm::dot)?

I'm using the glm math library, which offers many vector/matrix structs and operations (for use in graphics).我正在使用 glm 数学库,它提供了许多向量/矩阵结构和操作(用于图形)。 It has types for many different vector sizes ( vec2 , vec3 , vec4 , etc...) and also a really clean API to do general operations on them, regardless of size ( dot(a,b) , length(a) , etc...).它具有许多不同矢量大小的类型( vec2vec3vec4等),还有一个非常干净的 API 可以对它们进行一般操作,无论大小( dot(a,b)length(a)等...)。

One function I would like is to determine the "length squared" of a vector (as it's computationally much cheaper to compare lengths this way), which is essentially this function: float lengthSquared(v) { return glm::dot(v,v); }我想要的一个 function 是确定向量的“长度平方”(因为以这种方式比较长度在计算上要便宜得多),本质上就是这个 function: float lengthSquared(v) { return glm::dot(v,v); } float lengthSquared(v) { return glm::dot(v,v); }

I'd like to create such a function: how might I go about doing it?我想创建这样一个function:我怎么可能会做go呢?

The template signature for dot is as follows: dot的模板签名如下:

template <class T, glm::qualifier Q>
T dot(const glm::qua<T,Q> &x, const glm::qua<T,Q> &y)

So my best attempt to wrap is is as follows:所以我最好的包装尝试如下:

template <class T, glm::qualifier Q>
T lengthSquared(const glm::qua<T,Q> &x)
{ return glm::dot(x,x); }

But I get many errors including 'lengthSquared': no matching overloaded function found (when calling it with a vec2 ), and [signature here]: could not deduce template argument for 'const glm::qua<T,Q> &' from 'glm::vec2' .但我得到了很多错误,包括'lengthSquared': no matching overloaded function found (当用vec2调用它时),和[signature here]: could not deduce template argument for 'const glm::qua<T,Q> &' from 'glm::vec2'

I don't really understand how template "qualifiers" work, so I'm flying a bit blind here.我真的不明白模板“限定符”是如何工作的,所以我在这里有点盲目。


edit: here's the declaration of vec2 : typedef glm::vec<2,float,glm::packed_highp> glm::vec2;编辑:这里是vec2的声明: typedef glm::vec<2,float,glm::packed_highp> glm::vec2; and here's a sample call to lengthSquared : vec2 x = {0.5,0.5}; float ls = lengthSquared(x);这是对lengthSquared的示例调用: vec2 x = {0.5,0.5}; float ls = lengthSquared(x); vec2 x = {0.5,0.5}; float ls = lengthSquared(x);

Your function definition is:您的 function 定义是:

template <class T, glm::qualifier Q>
T lengthSquared(const glm::qua<T,Q> &x)
{ return glm::dot(x,x); }

but you are calling this function with an argument of type glm::vec<2,float,glm::packed_highp> .但是您使用glm::vec<2,float,glm::packed_highp>类型的参数调用此 function 。

Instead, you can write the function like this:相反,您可以像这样编写 function:

template <class T>
auto lengthSquared(const T &x)
{ return glm::dot(x,x); }

and let the compiler deduce both the argument type, and the return type.并让编译器推断出参数类型和返回类型。

Even though it seemingly doesn't work for you I post a simple C++20 alternative that is supported by current versions of GCC and Clang:尽管它似乎对您不起作用,但我发布了一个简单的 C++20 替代方案,当前版本的 GCC 和 Clang 支持该替代方案:

auto lengthSquared(const auto &v) { return glm::dot(v,v); }

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