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如何将结构添加到链表? 在 C

[英]How to add a structure to a linked list? in C

I'm trying to add a frame to a linked list of such structures, but instead of adding a new structure to the list each time, the program adds nothing, can anyone tell me what the problem is?我正在尝试将一个框架添加到此类结构的链表中,但不是每次都向列表中添加一个新结构,程序没有添加任何内容,谁能告诉我问题是什么? Or give me a better exercise method?或者给我一个更好的锻炼方法?

The structures:结构:

typedef struct Frame
    char* name;
    int duration;
    char* path;

} Frame;

// Link (node) struct
typedef struct FrameNode
    Frame* frame;
    struct FrameNode* next;
} FrameNode;

The functions:功能:

FrameNode* addFrame(Frame* frame)
    char name[100] = { 0 };
    char path[100] = { 0 };
    int dur = 0;
    Frame* p = (Frame*)malloc(sizeof(Frame));

    printf("*** Creating a new frame ***\n");
    printf("Please insert frame path:\n");
    fgets(path, 100, stdin);
    path[strcspn(path, "\n")] = 0;
    strcpy(p->path, path);

    printf("Please insert frame duration <in miliseconds>:\n");
    scanf("%d", &dur);
    p->duration = dur;

    printf("Please chooce a name for a new frame:\n");
    fgets(name, 100, stdin);
    name[strcspn(name, "\n")] = 0;
    strcpy(p->name, name);
    while (list != NULL)
        if (strcmp(list->frame->name, p->name) == 0)
            printf("The name is already taken, Please enter another name\n");
            fgets(name, 100, stdin);
            name[strcspn(name, "\n")] = 0;
            strcpy(p->name, name);
        list = list->next;
    return p;

FrameNode* insertAtEnd(FrameNode** list, Frame* fr)
    if (*list)
        FrameNode* help = *list;
        FrameNode* tmp = (FrameNode*)malloc(sizeof(FrameNode));
        tmp->frame = addFrame(fr);
        while (help->next != NULL)
            help = help->next;
        help->next = tmp;
        list = (FrameNode*)malloc(sizeof(FrameNode));
        FrameNode* tmp = (FrameNode*)malloc(sizeof(FrameNode));
        tmp->frame = addFrame(fr);
        list = tmp;

I really need help, I have to submit it by Sunday.我真的需要帮助,我必须在周日之前提交。 If you notice any more problems please tell me Thank you to everyone!!!!!如果您发现任何问题,请告诉我谢谢大家!!!!!!!

A separate struct for a linked list usually adds nothing but complexity.链表的单独结构通常只会增加复杂性。 Why not just use:为什么不直接使用:

struct my_frame {
    struct my_frame *next;
    char *name;
    int duration;
    char *path;

It reduces complexity and simplifies memory allocation.它降低了复杂性并简化了 memory 分配。

A few personal preferences: I suggest using a prefix to prevent generic names like "frame".一些个人喜好:我建议使用前缀来防止像“框架”这样的通用名称。 I also suggest dropping the typedef.我还建议删除 typedef。 It does nothing for you.它对你没有任何作用。 It only adds obscurity.它只会增加模糊性。 Drop the capitals in type names.去掉类型名称中的大写字母。 If you want to program in C, learn C don't try to make it look like C++, C# or Java. If you want to program in C, learn C don't try to make it look like C++, C# or Java.

At the end of the addFrame function you free p , but then you return it.addFrame function 结束时,您释放p ,但随后您将其返回。

So in the line tmp->frame = addFrame(fr);所以在tmp->frame = addFrame(fr); in the function insertAtEnd , you assign a pointer that has been freed already, whose contents are unknown.在 function insertAtEnd中,您分配了一个已被释放的指针,其内容未知。

The solution is to simply remove the line free(p) in addFrame , but make sure that you have a free'ing mechanism later in your program for this list.解决方案是简单地删除addFrame中的free(p)行,但请确保稍后在程序中为该列表提供释放机制。

Edit: also, I now see that in the line list = tmp;编辑:另外,我现在在list = tmp;行中看到了, you are actually assigning a value to the local variable list , and what you should be doing is *list = tmp . ,你实际上是在给局部变量list赋值,你应该做的是*list = tmp

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