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反应:有什么办法可以缓存组件或防止每次渲染的冗余 HTTP 调用

[英]React: Is there any way to cache components or prevent redundant HTTP calls with each render

The simple Code Sandbox below shows that navigating to a component triggers a fresh render.下面的简单代码沙箱显示导航到组件会触发新的渲染。 The React profiler states the components were rendered because they are continually seen for the first time. React 分析器指出组件已被渲染,因为它们是第一次连续出现。 I understand this to be the correct React behavior, because each mounting/render generates new method references that triggers the re-rendering.我理解这是正确的 React 行为,因为每个安装/渲染都会生成触发重新渲染的新方法引用。 However, this means that several http requests will be made despite nothing having changed.然而,这意味着尽管没有任何改变,但仍会发出几个 http 请求。 Is there any way to keep those requests from being made every time the user navigates to a component?有什么方法可以防止每次用户导航到组件时都发出这些请求?

In the codesandbox I've tried using React.memo along with useCallback , and neither reuse the initial rendering.codesandbox ,我尝试使用React.memouseCallback ,并且都没有重用初始渲染。

Click the console tab to see each time the component renders, it makes a fresh ajax call.单击console选项卡以查看每次组件呈现时,它都会进行新的 ajax 调用。

https://codesandbox.io/s/github/pstephenwille/react-render-question https://codesandbox.io/s/github/pstephenwille/react-render-question

To avoid redundant HTTP calls you have to verify that your origin server does not have updated your local data.为了避免多余的 HTTP 调用,您必须验证您的源服务器没有更新您的本地数据。 If you really want to just fire the HTTP calls once, you can eg execute them in your App component or pass a state and a callback function down to your Foo and Bar screen components that will ensure a singular call如果你真的只想触发一次 HTTP 调用,你可以在你的App组件中执行它们,或者传递一个 state 和一个回调 function 来确保你的FooBar组件调用单一的屏幕组件

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