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在 R 中,如何计算满足条件的日期之间的差异?

[英]In R, how do I calculate difference between dates when condition is met?

I have two data frames ( df1 and df2 ) with start and end dates for certain events.我有两个数据框( df1df2 ),其中包含某些事件的开始日期和结束日期。 I've determined which dates have overlapping events, defined here as having a start date in df1 that is within the start and end date of df2 .我已经确定了哪些日期有重叠事件,这里定义为df1中的开始日期在df2的开始日期和结束日期之内。 If overlap occurs then they are labeled as TRUE , if there is no overlap then they are labeled as FALSE .如果发生重叠,则将它们标记为TRUE ,如果没有重叠,则将它们标记为FALSE What I would like to know is...when Overlap is TRUE , how do I calculate the difference between start times in df2 and df1 ?我想知道的是...当OverlapTRUE时,如何计算df2df1的开始时间之间的差异?

> df1$aa
    date_start  date_end    Site
1   2002-04-14  2002-04-21  aa
2   2002-06-26  2002-07-05  aa
3   2002-08-15  2002-08-20  aa
4   2004-05-12  2004-05-19  aa
> df2$bb
    date_start  date_end    Site
1   2002-04-13  2002-04-19  bb
2   2002-08-11  2002-08-19  bb
3   2005-06-09  2005-06-14  bb
4   2005-08-10  2005-08-14  bb

This code determines if there is overlap此代码确定是否有重叠

df1$aa$Overlap <- df1$aa$date_start %in% unlist(Map(':', df2$bb$date_start, df2$bb$date_end))
> df1$aa
    date_start  date_end    Site    Overlap
1   2002-04-14  2002-04-21  aa      TRUE
2   2002-06-26  2002-07-05  aa      FALSE
3   2002-08-15  2002-08-20  aa      TRUE
4   2004-05-12  2004-05-19  aa      FALSE

You can see that there are two events (rows 1 and 3) where Overlap is TRUE .您可以看到OverlapTRUE的两个事件(第 1 行和第 3 行)。 What I would like to do is determine the time difference ( Diff ) between date_start for df1 and df2 when Overlap equals TRUE .Overlap等于TRUE时,我想做的是确定df1df2date_start之间的时间差( Diff )。

The result I am looking for should look something like this.我正在寻找的结果应该是这样的。

    date_start  date_end    Site    Overlap   Diff
1   2002-04-13  2002-04-21  aa      TRUE      1
2   2002-08-13  2002-08-20  aa      TRUE      4

This should solve your problem with some nested for loops.这应该可以解决一些嵌套for循环的问题。

# Setup df1
df1 <- read.table(textConnection(
  '    date_start  date_end    Site
1   2002-04-14  2002-04-21  aa
2   2002-06-26  2002-07-05  aa
3   2002-08-15  2002-08-20  aa
4   2004-05-12  2004-05-19  aa'
df1$date_start <- as.Date(df1$date_start)
df1$date_end <- as.Date(df1$date_end)

# Setup df1
df2 <- read.table(textConnection(
  '    date_start  date_end    Site
1   2002-04-13  2002-04-19  bb
2   2002-08-11  2002-08-19  bb
3   2005-06-09  2005-06-14  bb
4   2005-08-10  2005-08-14  bb'
df2$date_start <- as.Date(df2$date_start)
df2$date_end <- as.Date(df2$date_end)

# Find overlap of dates
df1$Overlap <- df1$date_start %in% unlist(Map(':', df2$date_start, df2$date_end))

# Loop through rows
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)) {

  # Go through only those that overlap
  if (df1[i, "Overlap"]) {

    # Loop through all rows in other data frame
    for (j in 1:nrow(df2)) {

      # Check if within range of df1
      sec_date_range <- df2[j, "date_start"]:df2[j, "date_end"]
      if (df1[i, "date_start"] %in% sec_date_range) {

        # Find absolute difference in start dates
        df1[i, "diff"] <- df1[i, "date_start"] - df2[j, "date_start"]
        df1[i, "diff"] <- abs(df1[i, "diff"])

# Filter and print result
df1[df1$Overlap, ]
#>   date_start   date_end Site Overlap    diff
#> 1 2002-04-14 2002-04-21   aa    TRUE  1 days
#> 3 2002-08-15 2002-08-20   aa    TRUE  4 days

Created on 2020-06-15 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)reprex package (v0.3.0) 于 2020 年 6 月 15 日创建

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