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将 function 应用于 xts quantmod 的子集

[英]Applying function to a subset of xts quantmod

I'm trying to get the standard deviation of a stock price by year, but I'm getting the same value for every year.我试图逐年获得股票价格的标准差,但我每年都得到相同的值。

I tried with dplyr (group_by, summarise) and also with a function, but had no luck in any of them, both return the same value of 67.0.我尝试使用 dplyr(group_by,总结)以及 function,但其中任何一个都没有运气,两者都返回相同的值 67.0。

It is probably passing the whole dataframe without subsetting it, how can this issue be fixed?它可能会通过整个 dataframe 而不设置子集,如何解决此问题?


#initial parameters
initialDate = as.Date('2010-01-01')
finalDate = Sys.Date()

ybeg = format(initialDate,"%Y")
yend = format(finalDate,"%Y")

ticker = "AAPL"

#getting stock prices
stock = getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, from=initialDate, auto.assign = FALSE)
stock = stock[,4] #working only with closing prices

With dplyr:使用 dplyr:

#Attempt 1 with dplyr - not working, all values by year return the same

stock = stock %>% zoo::fortify.zoo()
stock$Date = stock$Index
separate(stock, Date, c("year","month","day"), sep="-") %>% 
   group_by(year) %>%
   summarise(stdev= sd(stock[,2]))

# A tibble: 11 x 2
#   year  stdev
#   <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2010   67.0
# 2 2011   67.0
#10 2019   67.0
#11 2020   67.0

And with function:并使用 function:

#Attempt 2 with function - not working - returns only one value instead of multiple

#getting stock prices
stock = getSymbols.yahoo(ticker, from=initialDate, auto.assign = FALSE)
stock = stock[,4] #working only with closing prices

years = as.character(seq(ybeg,yend,by=1))

calculate_stdev = function(series,years) {
  series[years] #subsetting by years, to be equivalent as stock["2010"], stock["2011"] e.g.
  sd(series[years][,1]) #calculate stdev on closing prices of the current subset

yearly.stdev = calculate_stdev(stock,years)

> yearly.stdev
[1] 67.04185

I don't know dplyr , but here's how with data.table我不知道dplyr ,但这里是如何使用data.table


# convert data.frame to data.table

# convert your Date column with content like "2020-06-17" from character to Date type

# calculate sd(price) grouped by year, assuming here your price column is named "price"

Don't pass the name of the dataframe again in your summarise function.不要在summarise function 中再次传递 dataframe 的名称。 Use the variable name instead.请改用变量名。

separate(stock, Date, c("year","month","day"), sep="-") %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarise(stdev = sd(AAPL.Close)) # <-- here
# A tibble: 11 x 2
#   year  stdev
#   <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2010   5.37
# 2 2011   3.70
# 3 2012   9.57
# 4 2013   6.41
# 5 2014  13.4 
# 6 2015   7.68
# 7 2016   7.64
# 8 2017  14.6 
# 9 2018  20.6 
#10 2019  34.5 
#11 2020  28.7 

Use apply.yearly() (a convenience wrapper around the more general period.apply() ) to call a function on yearly subsets of the xts object returned by getSymbols() .使用apply.yearly() (更通用的period.apply()的便利包装)在 getSymbols getSymbols() ) 返回的 xts object 的年度子集上调用 function 。

You can use the Cl() function to extract the close column from objects returned by getSymbols() .您可以使用Cl() function 从getSymbols()返回的对象中提取关闭列。

stock = getSymbols("AAPL", from = "2010-01-01", auto.assign = FALSE)
apply.yearly(Cl(stock), sd)
##            AAPL.Close
## 2010-12-31   5.365208
## 2011-12-30   3.703407
## 2012-12-31   9.568127
## 2013-12-31   6.412542
## 2014-12-31  13.371293
## 2015-12-31   7.683550
## 2016-12-30   7.640743
## 2017-12-29  14.621191
## 2018-12-31  20.593861
## 2019-12-31  34.538978
## 2020-06-19  29.577157

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