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如何将结构从 python 传递到共享 object 中的 ctypes function?

[英]How to pass a struct from python to a ctypes function in a shared object?

I'm trying to create something similar to numpy to learn how ctypes work and I ran into a problem with passing a pointer to a "Matrix" struct to some functions.我正在尝试创建类似于 numpy 的东西来了解 ctypes 的工作原理,但在将指向“Matrix”结构的指针传递给某些函数时遇到了问题。

The output of calling print_matrix would always be some random integer and then a few spaces.调用 print_matrix 的 output 总是一些随机的 integer 然后是几个空格。

I'm using Python 3.7.5 and the C code was compiled using: gcc -shared -o libarray.so -fPIC array.c I'm using Python 3.7.5 and the C code was compiled using: gcc -shared -o libarray.so -fPIC array.c

C Code: C 代码:

typedef struct Matrix {
        int *arr;
        int *shape;
        int dims;
} Matrix;

void print_matrix(Matrix *Mat) {
        int num = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < Mat -> dims; i++) {num *= Mat -> shape[i];}

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                printf("%d  ", Mat -> arr[i]);
                if (Mat -> dims >= 2) {
                        if (((i + 1) % Mat -> shape[0]) == 0) {

Python Code: Python 代码:

import ctypes as cty

class Matrix(cty.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("arr", cty.POINTER(cty.c_int)), ("shape", cty.POINTER(cty.c_int)), ("dims", cty.c_int)]

libarray = cty.CDLL("./libarray.so")

print_matrix = libarray.print_matrix
print_matrix.restype = None
print_matrix.argtypes = [Matrix]

mat = Matrix((cty.c_int * 4)(*[1, 2, 3, 4]), (cty.c_int * 2)(*[2, 2]), cty.c_int(2))

I know that for this function, I can just pass the Matrix struct directly by change the print_matrix code, but because of some other things in my code, I want to deal mostly with pointers.我知道对于这个 function,我可以通过更改 print_matrix 代码直接传递 Matrix 结构,但是由于我的代码中的一些其他内容,我想主要处理指针。 Sorry for this weird restriction and thanks in advance.很抱歉这个奇怪的限制,并提前感谢。

The problem is that in C, you have void print_matrix(Matrix *Mat) , but in Python, you have print_matrix.argtypes = [Matrix] .问题是在 C 中,您有void print_matrix(Matrix *Mat) ,但在 Python 中,您有print_matrix.argtypes = [Matrix] Python is passing a Matrix , but C is expecting a Matrix * . Python 正在传递一个Matrix ,但 C 期待一个Matrix * It doesn't matter which one you use, but they have to agree.你使用哪一个并不重要,但他们必须同意。

If you want to pass a Matrix , then leave your Python code alone and change your C code to this:如果你想传递一个Matrix ,那么留下你的 Python 代码并将你的 C 代码更改为:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Matrix {
        int *arr;
        int *shape;
        int dims;
} Matrix;

void print_matrix(Matrix Mat) {
        int num = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < Mat.dims; i++) {num *= Mat.shape[i];}

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                printf("%d  ", Mat.arr[i]);
                if (Mat.dims >= 2) {
                        if (((i + 1) % Mat.shape[0]) == 0) {

I changed Matrix *Mat to Matrix Mat and -> to .我将Matrix *Mat更改为Matrix Mat并将->更改为. . .

If you want to pass a Matrix * , then leave your C code alone and change your Python code to this:如果你想传递一个Matrix * ,那么留下你的 C 代码并将你的 Python 代码更改为:

import ctypes as cty

class Matrix(cty.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("arr", cty.POINTER(cty.c_int)), ("shape", cty.POINTER(cty.c_int)), ("dims", cty.c_int)]

libarray = cty.CDLL("./libarray.so")

print_matrix = libarray.print_matrix
print_matrix.restype = None
print_matrix.argtypes = [cty.POINTER(Matrix)]

mat = Matrix((cty.c_int * 4)(*[1, 2, 3, 4]), (cty.c_int * 2)(*[2, 2]), cty.c_int(2))

I changed [Matrix] to [cty.POINTER(Matrix)] and mat to cty.byref(mat) .我将[Matrix]更改为[cty.POINTER(Matrix)]并将mat更改为cty.byref(mat)

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