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错误 ITMS-90725:“此应用程序是使用 iOS 12.1 SDK 构建的。 iPhone 或 iPad 的新应用程序必须使用 iOS 13 SDK 或更高版本构建。”

[英]ERROR ITMS-90725: “This app was built with the iOS 12.1 SDK. New apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later.”

I use build phonegap for build IOS app....I genarated.ipa file with last version of phonegap build but when I try yo upload.ipa file to apple store it give that error我使用 build phonegap 构建 IOS 应用程序....我使用最后一个版本的 phonegap build 生成了.ipa 文件,但是当我尝试将上传.ipa 文件上传到苹果商店时,它给出了那个错误

ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 12.1 SDK. New apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later." ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 12.1 SDK. New apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later."

what should I do?我应该怎么办?

You'll need to use a service which does support the latest version of XCode (currently 11.6), like VoltBuilder , Ionic or Monaca.您需要使用支持最新版本 XCode(当前为 11.6)的服务,如VoltBuilder 、Ionic 或 Monaca。 It doesn't look like PhoneGap is ever going to be updated.看起来PhoneGap 永远不会更新。

Disclosure: I'm one of the developers of VoltBuilder.披露:我是 VoltBuilder 的开发人员之一。

Currently there is no way to build on PhoneGap Build Cloud targeting iOS 13, since it requires cordova 6.0.0 and the lastest phonegap-cli avaiable is 9.0.0 which uses cordova 5.0.1 which targets iOS 12.1 and xcode 10. Currently there is no way to build on PhoneGap Build Cloud targeting iOS 13, since it requires cordova 6.0.0 and the lastest phonegap-cli avaiable is 9.0.0 which uses cordova 5.0.1 which targets iOS 12.1 and xcode 10.

You can build localy using cordova 6.0.0, if you don't have a mac you can try macincloud or another could solution as monaca and others.您可以使用 cordova 6.0.0 构建本地化,如果您没有 mac,您可以尝试 macincloud 或其他可以解决方案,如 monaca 和其他。


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相关问题 这个应用程序是用 iOS SDK 构建的。 所有提交到 App Store 的 iOS 应用程序必须使用 iOS 13 SDK 或更高版本构建 - This app was built with the iOS SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later 错误:此应用程序是使用iOS 12.0 SDK构建的。 从2019年3月开始,提交到App Store的所有iOS应用都必须使用iOS 12.1 SDK构建 - ERROR : This app was built with the iOS 12.0 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK 使用应用程序加载程序上传应用程序时出错:错误ITMS-90725:“ SDK版本问题。此应用程序是使用iOS 11.4 SDK构建的 - Error when uploading app with Application Loader: ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was build with the iOS 11.4 SDK “从 2020 年 4 月开始,所有提交到 App Store 的 iOS 应用程序必须使用 iOS 13 SDK 或更高版本构建” - "Starting April 2020, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later" 必须使用Xcode 6或更高版本的公共(GM)版本,OS X和iOS SDK构建新的应用程序和应用程序更新 - New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, OS X, and iOS SDK 提交到使用iOS 12.1 SDK构建的App Store - Submit to App Store built with iOS 12.1 SDK 警告ITMS-90725:SDK版本问题 - WARNING ITMS-90725:SDK Version Issue 提交到App Store的应用和应用更新必须使用Xcode 5.1.1或更高版本以及iOS 7 SDK构建 - Apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5.1.1 or later, and iOS 7 SDK 如何解决提交到App Store的应用程序和应用程序更新必须使用Xcode 5.1.1或更高版本以及iOS 7 SDK构建 - How to solve Apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5.1.1 or later, and iOS 7 SDK 所有提交到 App Store 的 iOS 应用都必须使用 iOS 15 SDK 或更高版本构建,但我们的 iOS SDK 已经是 15.2 版本 - All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 15 SDK or later, but our iOS SDK is already of version 15.2
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