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在 geom_line() 图表中控制日期(x 轴)间隔

[英]Controlling date (x-axis) intervals in a geom_line() chart

I've managed to convert date-and-time data for a stockmarket to POSIXct and plot it.我已经设法将股票市场的日期和时间数据转换为 POSIXct 和 plot 它。 But, owing to the fact that markets open and close at specific times, my chart looks awkward with long lines linking the closed periods, below .但是,由于市场在特定时间开盘和收盘,我的图表看起来很尴尬,下面的收盘时段用长线连接。


I'd like my chart to appear like this, below , whereby the closed periods aren't visible and the date starts, in this case, on Monday.我希望我的图表如下所示,其中关闭时段不可见,并且在这种情况下,日期从星期一开始。


I'd appreciate any help in doing this.我会很感激这样做的任何帮助。 Here's my code and some sample data.这是我的代码和一些示例数据。

hongkongstocks <- read.csv(file="Data/hong-kong-stocks-copy.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dateOnlyhongkongstocks <- as.POSIXct(hongkongstocks$Date, format="%m/%d/%y %H:%M" #format time)
ggplot(hongkongstocks, aes(x=dateOnlyhongkongstocks, y=Hang.Seng)) + geom_line()

Sample data
Date Hang.Seng
5/25/20 9:30    100.00
5/25/20 9:35     98.28
5/25/20 9:40     98.46
5/25/20 9:45     99.11

Here's a couple of days of data from the charts above这是上面图表中几天的数据

Date,Hang Seng
5/25/20 9:30,100
5/25/20 9:35,98.28
5/25/20 9:40,98.46
5/25/20 9:45,99.11
5/25/20 9:50,99.74
5/25/20 9:55,100.04
5/25/20 10:00,99.63
5/25/20 10:05,99.77
5/25/20 10:10,99.34
5/25/20 10:20,99.37
5/25/20 10:25,99.06
5/25/20 10:30,99.13
5/25/20 10:40,98.76
5/25/20 10:45,98.72
5/25/20 10:50,98.62
5/25/20 10:55,98.74
5/25/20 11:00,98.64
5/25/20 11:05,98.71
5/25/20 11:10,98.93
5/25/20 11:15,99.23
5/25/20 11:20,98.99
5/25/20 11:30,99.09
5/25/20 11:40,99.02
5/25/20 11:45,99.05
5/25/20 11:50,99.04
5/25/20 12:00,99
5/25/20 13:05,99.24
5/25/20 13:10,99.19
5/25/20 13:15,99.27
5/25/20 13:20,99.32
5/25/20 13:25,99.3
5/25/20 13:30,99.33
5/25/20 13:35,99.49
5/25/20 13:50,99.26
5/25/20 13:55,99.21
5/25/20 14:00,99.35
5/25/20 14:05,99.53
5/25/20 14:10,99.48
5/25/20 14:15,99.51
5/25/20 14:25,99.5
5/25/20 14:30,99.57
5/25/20 14:35,99.61
5/25/20 14:40,99.76
5/25/20 14:45,99.75
5/25/20 14:50,99.83
5/25/20 14:55,99.97
5/25/20 15:00,100.08
5/25/20 15:05,99.96
5/25/20 15:10,99.88
5/25/20 15:15,99.87
5/25/20 15:40,99.94
5/25/20 15:45,99.98
5/25/20 15:50,99.99
5/25/20 15:55,100.06
5/25/20 16:00,100.12
5/25/20 16:05,100.1
5/26/20 9:35,101.41
5/26/20 9:40,101.78
5/26/20 9:45,102.05
5/26/20 9:50,101.83
5/26/20 9:55,101.6
5/26/20 10:00,101.82
5/26/20 10:05,101.77
5/26/20 10:10,101.92
5/26/20 10:15,101.9
5/26/20 10:20,101.98
5/26/20 10:25,101.97
5/26/20 10:40,101.86
5/26/20 10:50,101.61
5/26/20 10:55,101.79
5/26/20 11:00,101.8
5/26/20 11:05,101.93
5/26/20 11:10,101.99
5/26/20 11:15,101.84
5/26/20 11:20,101.74
5/26/20 11:35,101.85
5/26/20 11:40,101.88
5/26/20 11:55,101.94
5/26/20 13:05,102.18
5/26/20 13:10,102.09
5/26/20 13:15,102.01
5/26/20 13:20,102.02
5/26/20 13:30,101.95
5/26/20 13:35,101.96
5/26/20 13:40,102.06
5/26/20 13:45,102.12
5/26/20 13:50,102.1
5/26/20 13:55,102.22
5/26/20 14:00,102.17
5/26/20 14:05,102.26
5/26/20 14:10,102.23
5/26/20 14:20,102.24
5/26/20 14:25,102.27
5/26/20 14:30,102.3
5/26/20 14:35,102.39
5/26/20 14:40,102.36
5/26/20 14:45,102.34
5/26/20 14:50,102.25
5/26/20 15:00,102.21
5/26/20 15:20,102.13
5/26/20 15:45,102.04
5/26/20 15:55,102.14

As others have commented, one approach would be to start by making your datetime data continuous.正如其他人所评论的那样,一种方法是从使您的日期时间数据连续开始。 This will ultimately help with the graph output by creating records for all times of day.通过创建一天中所有时间的记录,这最终将有助于图表 output。 When Hang.Seng values do not exist, Hang.Seng will be NA and no data will be displayed (rather than linking these gaps over time with a straight line).Hang.Seng值不存在时, Hang.Seng将为NA并且不会显示任何数据(而不是将这些时间间隔用直线连接起来)。

You can do this easily with the (super useful) package padr , which will "pad", or fill out, your time series with the minimum timestep in the starting dataset, giving you a complete, regularly-spaced, continuous time record.您可以使用(超级有用的)package padr轻松完成此操作,它将“填充”或填写您的时间序列,并在起始数据集中使用最小时间步长,为您提供完整的、规则间隔的、连续的时间记录。


hongkongstocks %>% 
  pad() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Hang.Seng)) + 
  scale_x_datetime(limits = c(as_datetime("2020-05-25 00:00:00"), as_datetime("2020-05-26 23:55:00")), 
                   date_breaks = 'day', 
                   date_labels = '%a')


BUT , this graph has gaps in it even during the day, when the market is open.但是,即使在市场开盘的白天,这张图表也有缺口。 Creating a continuous data set exposed other gaps in the data.创建一个连续的数据集暴露了数据中的其他空白。 If you want to close those gaps in the same way your original graph automatically did (by drawing a straight line between available data points), you can.如果您想以与原始图表相同的方式自动缩小这些差距(通过在可用数据点之间绘制一条直线),您可以。 One option is to create an additional variable that defines when the market is "open" and "closed" (I picked 9:00 - 16:00), and then remove only those records where Hang.Seng is NA , but the market is open.一种选择是创建一个附加变量,定义市场何时“开盘”和“收盘”(我选择了 9:00 - 16:00),然后仅删除Hang.SengNA的记录,但市场为打开。 This way ggplot will fill in only the gaps during open hours, but will not connect data points overnight, when the market should be closed.这样ggplot将仅在开放时间填补空白,但不会在一夜之间连接数据点,此时市场应该关闭。


hongkongstocks %>% 
  pad() %>%
  mutate(Time = as_hms(Date), #create a separate Time variable
         market_status = if_else((Time >= as_hms("09:00:00") & Time <= as_hms("16:00:00")), "open", "closed")) %>% # create a new market_status variable based on Time
  filter((market_status == "open" & !is.na(Hang.Seng)) | market_status == "closed") %>% # remove records where Hang.Seng is NA, but only when market is open
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Hang.Seng)) + 
  scale_x_datetime(limits = c(as_datetime("2020-05-25 00:00:00"), as_datetime("2020-05-26 23:55:00")), 
                   date_breaks = 'day', 
                   date_labels = '%a') +
  labs(x = "Day")



hongkongstocks <- structure(list(Date = structure(c(1590399000, 1590399300, 1590399600, 
1590399900, 1590400200, 1590400500, 1590400800, 1590401100, 1590401400, 
1590402000, 1590402300, 1590402600, 1590403200, 1590403500, 1590403800, 
1590404100, 1590404400, 1590404700, 1590405000, 1590405300, 1590405600, 
1590406200, 1590406800, 1590407100, 1590407400, 1590408000, 1590411900, 
1590412200, 1590412500, 1590412800, 1590413100, 1590413400, 1590413700, 
1590414600, 1590414900, 1590415200, 1590415500, 1590415800, 1590416100, 
1590416700, 1590417000, 1590417300, 1590417600, 1590417900, 1590418200, 
1590418500, 1590418800, 1590419100, 1590419400, 1590419700, 1590421200, 
1590421500, 1590421800, 1590422100, 1590422400, 1590422700, 1590485700, 
1590486000, 1590486300, 1590486600, 1590486900, 1590487200, 1590487500, 
1590487800, 1590488100, 1590488400, 1590488700, 1590489600, 1590490200, 
1590490500, 1590490800, 1590491100, 1590491400, 1590491700, 1590492000, 
1590492900, 1590493200, 1590494100, 1590498300, 1590498600, 1590498900, 
1590499200, 1590499800, 1590500100, 1590500400, 1590500700, 1590501000, 
1590501300, 1590501600, 1590501900, 1590502200, 1590502800, 1590503100, 
1590503400, 1590503700, 1590504000, 1590504300, 1590504600, 1590505200, 
1590506400, 1590507900, 1590508500), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt")), Hang.Seng = c(100, 98.28, 98.46, 99.11, 99.74, 100.04, 
99.63, 99.77, 99.34, 99.37, 99.06, 99.13, 98.76, 98.72, 98.62, 
98.74, 98.64, 98.71, 98.93, 99.23, 98.99, 99.09, 99.02, 99.05, 
99.04, 99, 99.24, 99.19, 99.27, 99.32, 99.3, 99.33, 99.49, 99.26, 
99.21, 99.35, 99.53, 99.48, 99.51, 99.5, 99.57, 99.61, 99.76, 
99.75, 99.83, 99.97, 100.08, 99.96, 99.88, 99.87, 99.94, 99.98, 
99.99, 100.06, 100.12, 100.1, 101.41, 101.78, 102.05, 101.83, 
101.6, 101.82, 101.77, 101.92, 101.9, 101.98, 101.97, 101.86, 
101.61, 101.79, 101.8, 101.93, 101.99, 101.84, 101.74, 101.85, 
101.88, 101.94, 102.18, 102.09, 102.01, 102.02, 101.95, 101.96, 
102.06, 102.12, 102.1, 102.22, 102.17, 102.26, 102.23, 102.24, 
102.27, 102.3, 102.39, 102.36, 102.34, 102.25, 102.21, 102.13, 
102.04, 102.14)), class = c("spec_tbl_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -102L), spec = structure(list(cols = list(
    Date = structure(list(), class = c("collector_character", 
    "collector")), `Hang Seng` = structure(list(), class = c("collector_double", 
    "collector"))), default = structure(list(), class = c("collector_guess", 
"collector")), skip = 1), class = "col_spec"))

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