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如何在 ffmpeg 中将视频文件编码为 x265 10bit main10 配置文件

[英]how to encode a video file to x265 10bit main10 profile in ffmpeg

I'm currently trying to encode a video file with ffmpeg -i input.mkv libx265 crf=28 -x265-params profile=main10 out.mkv but i am getting the output file is in 8 bit?我目前正在尝试使用ffmpeg -i input.mkv libx265 crf=28 -x265-params profile=main10 out.mkv对视频文件进行编码,但我得到的 output 文件是 8 位的?

If the input isn't already 10-bit, you have to first convert it, usually using -pix_fmt .如果输入还不是 10 位,则必须先转换它,通常使用-pix_fmt

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v libx265 -crf 28 -x265-params profile=main10 out.mkv

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