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Python 中没有重复的随机组合

[英]Random combinations without duplicates in Python

Suppose you have an iterable t of size n .假设您有一个大小为n的可迭代t You want to draw l random combinations of r elements from t .您想从t中绘制lr元素的随机组合。 You require that the l combinations are different.您要求l组合不同。 Until now my take is the following (inspired by the iter tools recipes):到目前为止,我的看法如下(受 iter 工具食谱的启发):

def random_combinations(iterable,r,size):
 f=mt.factorial                                            # Factorial function
 nCr=f(n)//(f(r)*f(n-r))                                   # nCr
 iteration_limit=10*nCr                      # Limit of iterations 10 times nCr
 repeated_combinations=0                     # Counter of repeated combinations
 i=0                                         # Storage index
 combinations[i]=tuple(sorted(rn.sample(xrange(n),r)))      # First combination
 i+=1                                                    # Advance the counting
 while i < size:                                  # Loop for subsequent samples
  test=[ combinations[j] for j in range(i) ]
  if test == i+1:                                           # Test of duplicity
  if repeated_combinations == iteration_limit:       # Test for iteration limit
 return combinations

Is there another way more efficient to do this?有没有另一种更有效的方法来做到这一点? I ask this because I will be drawing several combinations from iterables that are huge (over 100 elements).我问这个是因为我将从巨大的可迭代对象(超过 100 个元素)中绘制几种组合。

After selecting the most helpful answer, I confirmed that the problem with that solution was the iteration to filter the combinations that are not selected.在选择了最有帮助的答案后,我确认该解决方案的问题在于迭代过滤未选择的组合。 However, this inspired me to look for a faster way to filter them.然而,这激发了我寻找一种更快的方法来过滤它们。 I end up using sets in the following way我最终以下列方式使用集合

import itertools as it
import math as mt
import random as rn

def random_combinations(iterable,r,l):
 Calculates random combinations from an iterable and returns a light-weight
 iterable : sequence, list, iterator or ndarray
     Iterable from which draw the combinations.
 r : int
     Size of the combinations.
 l : int
     Number of drawn combinations.
 combinations : iterator or tuples
     Random combinations of the elements of the iterable. Iterator object.
 n_combinations=nCr(n,r)                                                  # nCr
 if l > n_combinations:              # Constrain l to be lesser or equal to nCr
 combinations=set()           # Set storage that discards repeated combinations
 while len(combinations) < l:
 def filtro(combi):       # Index combinations to actual values of the iterable
  return tuple(pool[index] for index in combi)
 combinations=it.imap(filtro,combinations)              # Light-weight iterator
 return combinations

The set automatically takes care of repeated combinations.该集合会自动处理重复的组合。

Rather than generating all the combinations, then choosing one of them (which will grow much much faster than n ), instead do the following:与其生成所有组合,然后选择其中一个(其增长速度将比n快得多),不如执行以下操作:

  • Create an empty hash table or set.创建一个空的 hash 表或集。
  • Choose a sample of r items in order (an implementation in pseudocode is below).按顺序选择r项目的样本(伪代码实现如下)。
  • Check whether the sample is already present (eg, as a key in the hash table or a value in the set).检查样本是否已经存在(例如,作为 hash 表中的键或集合中的值)。 If not, store that sample (eg, as a key in the hash table or a value in the set).如果不是,则存储该样本(例如,作为 hash 表中的键或集合中的值)。
  • Continue until l samples were stored this way.继续,直到l个样本以这种方式存储。

The pseudocode referred to is below.所指的伪代码如下。 See also L. Devroye's Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation , p.另请参见 L. Devroye 的非均匀随机变量生成,p。 620. 620。

METHOD RandomRItemsInOrder(t, r)
  n = size(t)
  // Special case if r is 1
  if r==1: return [t[RNDINTEXC(n)]]
  i = 0
  kk = r
  ret = NewList()
  while i < n and size(ret) < r
    u = RNDINTEXC(n - i)
    if u <= kk
      AddItem(ret, t[i])
      kk = kk - 1
    i = i + 1
  return ret

Instead of the pseudocode above, you can also generate a random sample via reservoir sampling, but then it won't be trivial to maintain a canonical order for the sample.除了上面的伪代码,您还可以通过水库采样生成随机样本,但是维护样本的规范顺序并非易事。

You could do select l random indices in the C(n,r) sequence and return the combinations corresponding to these selected random indices.您可以在C(n,r)序列中执行 select l随机索引,并返回与这些选定随机索引相对应的组合。

import itertools
import random
import math

def random_combinations(iterable, r, l):
    copy1, copy2 = itertools.tee(iterable)
    num_combos = math.comb(sum(1 for _ in copy1), r)
    rand_indices = set(random.sample(range(num_combos), l))
    combos = itertools.combinations(copy2, r)
    selected_combos = (x[1] for x in  enumerate(combos) if x[0] in rand_indices)
    return list(itertools.islice(selected_combos, l))

To avoid iterating thru the combinations, we need a mechanism to skip over combinations.为了避免遍历组合,我们需要一种跳过组合的机制。 I am not sure such a mechanism exists in Python's standard library.我不确定 Python 的标准库中是否存在这种机制。

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