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[英]Drawing a transparent line in pygame

I need a way to draw a partially transparent line in pygame.我需要一种在 pygame 中绘制部分透明线的方法。 I found this answer( python - Draw a transparent Line in pygame ) but it only works with straight lines and doesn't work with different line thicknesses.我找到了这个答案( python - Draw a transparent Line in pygame )但它只适用于直线,不适用于不同的线条粗细。

You have to create new surface with any size and with alpha channel您必须创建具有任意大小和alpha通道的新表面

surface = pygame.Surface((width, height)).convert_alpha()

or use main surface to create new surface with the same size或使用主曲面创建具有相同大小的新曲面

surface = screen.convert_alpha()

Fill it with transparent color (0,0,0,0) .用透明颜色(0,0,0,0)填充它。 Important is last zero which means alpha channel - (R,G,B,A)重要的是最后一个零,这意味着alpha通道 - (R,G,B,A)


Draw on this surface with alpha channel smaller then 255使用小于255的 Alpha 通道在此表面上绘制

pygame.draw.line(surface, (0, 0, 0, 32), (0, 0), (800, 600), 5)

And finally you can blit it on main page in any place最后,您可以在任何地方的主页上对其进行 blit

screen.blit(surface, (x, y))

For surface which has the same size as main surface it can be (0,0)对于与主表面具有相同尺寸的表面,它可以是(0,0)

screen.blit(surface, (0,0))

Minimal example最小的例子

import pygame


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))#, depth=32)

surface1 = screen.convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.circle(surface1, (255, 0, 0, 128), (325, 250), 100)

surface2 = screen.convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.circle(surface2, (0, 255, 0, 128), (475, 250), 100)

surface3 = screen.convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.circle(surface3, (0, 0, 255, 128), (400, 350), 100)

surface4 = screen.convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.line(surface4, (0, 0, 0, 32), (0, 0), (800, 600), 5)
pygame.draw.line(surface4, (0, 0, 0, 32), (0, 600), (800, 0), 5)

surface5 = screen.convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.polygon(surface5, (255, 0, 0, 128), [(400, 250), (450, 300), (400, 350), (350, 300)])

screen.fill([255,255,255]) # white background
screen.blit(surface1, (0,0))
screen.blit(surface2, (0,0))
screen.blit(surface3, (0,0))
screen.blit(surface4, (0,0))
screen.blit(surface5, (0,0))


running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                running = False



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