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Swift 获取 Substring 之前的字符串

[英]Swift Get String before Substring

I have a string, this string changes constantly.我有一个字符串,这个字符串不断变化。

I grab a part of my string which in code can be called let mySub = "xyz"我抓住了我的字符串的一部分,在代码中可以调用let mySub = "xyz"

The original string is something that is changing over time, so dont worry how I get mySub for this example lets say the string is let baseString = 123123xyz1234原始字符串会随着时间的推移而变化,所以不要担心我如何得到这个例子的mySub假设字符串是let baseString = 123123xyz1234

How would I be able to grab a substring of everything before xyz without it being hard coded so the position of xyz can be different and the substring grabbing still works correctly?我如何能够在xyz之前抓取所有内容的 substring 而无需对其进行硬编码,因此xyz的 position 可以不同并且 substring 抓取仍然可以正常工作?

You can find first matching range of mySub in baseString , and if found, get previous part.您可以在baseString中找到mySub的第一个匹配范围,如果找到,则获取上一部分。

let baseString: String = "123123xyz1234"
let mySub = "xyz"
if let range = baseString.range(of: mySub) {
    let beforeStr = baseString[..<range.lowerBound]

You can get the lowerbound index of the range of your substring and get the substring upTo that index.您可以获取 substring 范围的下限索引,并将 substring 获取到该索引。 If you would like to make a caseInsensitive of diacritic insensitive search you can use localizedStandardRange:如果您想对变音符号不敏感搜索进行不区分大小写,可以使用本地化标准范围:

extension StringProtocol  {
    func substring<S: StringProtocol>(upTo string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> SubSequence? {
        guard let lower = range(of: string, options: options)?.lowerBound
        else { return nil }
        return self[..<lower]
    func localizedStandardSubstring<S: StringProtocol>(upTo string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> SubSequence? {
        guard let lower = localizedStandardRange(of: string)?.lowerBound
        else { return nil }
        return self[..<lower]

let string = "123123xyz1234"
if let substring = string.substring(upTo: "xyz") {
    print(substring)  // "123123\n"

let localized = "123123café1234"
if let substring = localized.localizedStandardSubstring(upTo: "CAFE") {
    print(substring)  // "123123\n"

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