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Swift - 如何从给定的字符串中获取特定的子字符串

[英]Swift - how to get specific substring from a given string

I have string, that consist of one pre-defined string + random letters, like " https://www.facebook.com/ " and "userId". 我有字符串,由一个预定义的字符串+随机字母组成,如“ https://www.facebook.com/ ”和“userId”。

I have 3 predefined social host strings: 我有3个预定义的社交主机字符串:

let vkPredefinedHost = "https://vk.com/"
let fbPredefinedHost = "https://www.facebook.com/"
let instPredefinedHost = "https://www.instagram.com/"

What i want is, extract social id, which is a string followed by that string (i don't know exactly which one i get). 我想要的是,提取社交ID,这是一个字符串后面跟着那个字符串(我不确切知道我得到了哪一个)。

So my question is: 所以我的问题是:

1) How to check whether string contain one of this strings i pre-define 1)如何检查字符串是否包含我预先定义的字符串之一

2) how to extract string followed by this strings 2)如何提取字符串后跟此字符串

For example, i get " https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345 ", and i want to get myUserId12345 例如,我得到“ https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345 ”,我想得到myUserId12345

These strings are URL representations. 这些字符串是URL表示。 Create an URL and compare the host and get the path 创建一个URL并比较host并获取path
for example 例如

let host = "www.instagram.com"

if let url = URL(string: "https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345"),
    url.host == host {
    let userID = String(url.path.characters.dropFirst())

It's necessary to drop the first character (a leading slash) from the path. 必须从路径中删除第一个字符(前导斜杠)。

You can even write 你甚至可以写

let userID = url.lastPathComponent

if there are more path components and the requested information is the last one. 如果有更多的路径组件,并且所请求的信息是最后一个。

Try this extension: 试试这个扩展:

let instPredefinedHost = "https://www.instagram.com/"
let text = "https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345"

extension String {

    func getNeededText(for host: String) -> String {
        guard range(of: host) != nil else { return "" }
        return replacingOccurrences(of: host, with: "")


text.getNeededText(for: instPredefinedHost)

You can use the built in RegEx in Swift: 您可以在Swift中使用内置的RegEx:

let hostString = "Put your string here"

let pattern = "https:\/\/\w+.com\/(\w)" // any https://___.com/ prefix

let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pat, options: [])

let match = regex.matchesInString(hostString, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: hostString.characters.count))

print(match[0]) // your social id
  1. You can use hasPrefix or contains to do. 您可以使用hasPrefixcontains来执行。 but I think hasPrefix may be best. 但我认为hasPrefix可能是最好的。

    let instPredefinedHost = "https://www.instagram.com/" let userUrlString = "https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345" let result = userUrlString.hasPrefix(instPredefinedHost) let result = userUrlString.contains(instPredefinedHost)

  2. can use URL or separated String 可以使用URL或分隔的String

    let instPredefinedHost = "https://www.instagram.com/" let userUrl = URL(string: userUrlString) let socialId = userUrl?.lastPathComponent let socialId = userUrlString.components(separatedBy: instPredefinedHost).last

You can use such type of extension: 您可以使用此类扩展名:

extension String{
    func exclude(_ find:String) -> String {
        return replacingOccurrences(of: find, with: "", options: .caseInsensitive, range: nil)
    func replaceAll(_ find:String, with:String) -> String {
        return replacingOccurrences(of: find, with: with, options: .caseInsensitive, range: nil)


And use simply 简单地使用

let myaccount = fullString.exclude(find : instPredefinedHost)

Since you are trying to parse URLs why reinvent the wheel when Apple has already done the heavy lifting for you with URLComponents? 既然您正在尝试解析URL,那么当Apple已经使用URLComponents为您完成了繁重的工作时,为什么要重新发明轮子?

let myURLComps = URLComponents(string: "https://www.instagram.com/myUserId12345?test=testvar&test2=teststatic")

if let theseComps = myURLComps {

    let thisHost = theseComps.host
    let thisScheme = theseComps.scheme
    let thisPath = theseComps.path
    let thisParams = theseComps.queryItems


prints: 打印:

Optional([test=testvar, test2=teststatic])

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