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OpenCPU 公共服务器是否仍然可用? API 规格似乎已更改

[英]Is the OpenCPU public server still available? API specs appear to have changed

I am trying to update a R app on the OpenCPU public server ( https://cloud.opencpu.org/ ).我正在尝试更新 OpenCPU 公共服务器( https://cloud.opencpu.org/ )上的 R 应用程序。 With the new 2.2.0 OpenCPU release, all previous user payloads have apparently been wiped out (including mine).随着新的 2.2.0 OpenCPU 版本的发布,所有以前的用户有效载荷显然已被清除(包括我的)。 The CI webhook is still up and running though.不过,CI webhook 仍在运行中。 However, it systematically rejects the R package that I am trying to push through.但是,它系统地拒绝了我试图通过的 R package。 Note that my app/CI used to work very well with previous OpenCPU versions.请注意,我的应用程序/CI 过去与以前的 OpenCPU 版本配合得非常好。 Error given is "server timeout".给出的错误是“服务器超时”。 Could not find any relevant info for this in the docs ( OpenCPU help ) Is the public CI flow still available?在文档中找不到任何相关信息( OpenCPU 帮助)公共 CI 流程是否仍然可用? Are other devs experiencing the same issue?其他开发人员是否遇到同样的问题?

I can now confirm that the OpenCPU server is actually fully operational.我现在可以确认 OpenCPU 服务器实际上是完全可操作的。 My web-app is now fixed.我的网络应用程序现在已修复。 Works well.效果很好。 The problem was from my side.问题出在我这边。

Sharing here my findings, so it can be useful for others:在这里分享我的发现,以便对其他人有用:

  1. My custom R package was trying to import too many external packages.我的自定义 R package 试图导入太多的外部包。 I trimmed down the imports list to the strict minimum.我将进口清单缩减到最低限度。
  2. I set my custom package lazyload flag to false我将自定义lazyload加载标志设置为false

The CI webhook now processes any new push to the Github branch and the corresponding package gets rebuilt smoothly server side. CI webhook 现在处理对 Github 分支的任何新推送,并且相应的 package 可以在服务器端顺利重建。

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