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[英]How to correctly combine the predicates filter?

I want to create method for combine Predicate::and in one predicate and submit it on input list.我想在一个谓词中创建组合 Predicate::and 的方法并将其提交到输入列表中。 I have code:我有代码:

public static List<?> getFilteredList(Collection<?> collection, Collection<Predicate<?>> filters) {
    return collection.stream()
            .filter(filters.stream().reduce(Predicate::and).orElse(t -> true))


But compiler says that there is a error in Predicate::and Incompatible types: Predicate<capture of?> is not convertible to Predicate<? super capture of?>但是编译器说Predicate::and Incompatible types: Predicate<capture of?> is not convertible to Predicate<? super capture of?> Incompatible types: Predicate<capture of?> is not convertible to Predicate<? super capture of?>

How to fix it?如何解决?

As it stands, you could be providing completely incompatible predicates:就目前而言,您可能会提供完全不兼容的谓词:

Collection<Predicate<?>> predicates = 
    List.of((String s) -> s.isEmpty(), (Integer i) -> i >= 0)

Combining those doesn't make sense.把这些结合起来没有意义。

You need to provide predicates which are compatible with the collection elements:您需要提供与collection元素兼容的谓词:

public static <T> List<T> getFilteredList(
    Collection<? extends T> collection,
    Collection<? extends Predicate<? super T>> predicates) {

  Predicate<T> combined = predicates.stream().reduce(t -> true, Predicate::and, Predicate::and);
  return collection.stream()

I went to town a bit on the wildcards here.我在这里的通配符上去了城镇。 You could do it in a much simpler way, at the expense of flexibility in the arguments it will accept:您可以以一种更简单的方式来完成它,但会牺牲 arguments 的灵活性,它将接受:

public static <T> List<T> getFilteredList(
    Collection<T> collection,
    Collection<Predicate<T>> predicates) {

  Predicate<T> combined = predicates.stream().reduce(t -> true, Predicate::and);
  return collection.stream()

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