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Azure 管道根据条件设置任务的显示名称

[英]Azure pipeline set displayname of task based on condition

In the build pipeline I have a job with a powershell script setting the applicatiuon name based on a variable like this:在构建管道中,我有一个 powershell 脚本的工作基于这样的变量设置应用程序名称:

$applicationName = If ('$(configuration)' -eq 'Release') { 'Appname' } Else { 'Appname-Test' }
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=applicationName]$applicationName"

I try to set the display name of the PublishBuildArtifacts@1 variable to the variable like this:我尝试将PublishBuildArtifacts@1变量的显示名称设置为这样的变量:

  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1        
    displayName: $[variables.applicationName] #  runtime variable

But this literally displays $[variables.applicationName] instead of the variable value.但这实际上显示$[variables.applicationName]而不是变量值。 How can I change the displayname of a task based on a variable?如何根据变量更改任务的显示名称?

You can just use the variable in this way: $(variableName).您可以通过这种方式使用变量:$(variableName)。 for example:例如:

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

  test: "SomeValue"

- task: PowerShell@2
    targetType: 'inline'
    script: 'Write-Host "Hello World"'
  displayName: "The variable $(test)"

The result is:结果是:


It doesn't appear that this is currently possible.目前看来这是不可能的。 In both issues I found, they described this as a feature request.在我发现的两个问题中,他们都将其描述为功能请求。

https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-devops-docs/issues/2327 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-devops-docs/issues/2327

https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-yaml/issues/45 https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-yaml/issues/45

I assume ${{..}} is the way to go. You know the configuration at compile time, so you can create the app name at compile time.我假设${{..}}是通往 go 的路径。您知道编译时的configuration ,因此您可以在编译时创建应用程序名称。

  ${{ if eq(variables.configuration, 'Release') }}:
    applicationName: 'Appname'
  ${{ if ne(variables.configuration, 'Release') }}:
    applicationName: 'Appname-Test'
  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1        
    displayName: ${{ variables.applicationName }}

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