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更改 state 时不调用 Function

[英]Function is not called when state is changed

I have a function in react showPeople.我在 react showPeople 中有一个 function。 This is the code:这是代码:

const showPeople = () => {
    const people = workers.map((worker, i) => {
        return (
    return people;

Later in the component I want to call this function in order to show me some information for the workers.稍后在组件中,我想将其称为 function,以便向我展示一些工人的信息。 I call it like this:我这样称呼它:


And this is ok, but it is called only once.这没关系,但它只被调用一次。 When I change the state it's not called.当我更改 state 时,它不会被调用。 So I have my updates only after I refresh the page.所以我只有在刷新页面后才有更新。 If i remove the parenthesis in the call, I get nothing on my screen.如果我删除通话中的括号,我的屏幕上什么也没有。 Does anyone knows what's the problem?有谁知道是什么问题? Sorry if this question is a duplicate, I am not sure I understood any of the previous answers connected tot his topic.抱歉,如果这个问题是重复的,我不确定我是否理解与他的主题相关的任何先前的答案。 Thanks谢谢

As this is written, it should update when state updates ( see example here ).正如本文所写,它应该在state更新时更新(参见此处的示例)。 Unless you have the array workers saved for example like const {workers} = this.state or const [workers, setWorkers] = useState([{'id': '1', role: 'thisRoleNAme'}]) then you may not actually be accessing a piece of state.除非您保存了数组workers ,例如const {workers} = this.stateconst [workers, setWorkers] = useState([{'id': '1', role: 'thisRoleNAme'}])那么你可能不会实际上正在访问一块 state。

Edit your function to accept workers as parameter:编辑您的 function 以接受工人作为参数:

const showPeople = (workers) => {
 const people = workers.map((worker, i) => {
    return (
return people;

And pass workers from state.并从 state 传递工人。


It should re-render whenever your this.state.workers change and it will render with new workers.每当您的 this.state.workers 更改时,它都应该重新渲染,并且它将与新的工人一起渲染。


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