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如何为 numpy 数组“x”实现 function f(x) = { x^2, x>0 and -x^2, x<0 }?

[英]How do I implement the function f(x) = { x^2, x>0 and -x^2 , x<0 } for a numpy array 'x'?

I'm trying to change every value in a Numpy array 'x' according to the following function:我正在尝试根据以下 function 更改 Numpy 数组“x”中的每个值:

f(x) = { x^2 , x >= 0 and 
        -x^2 , x < 0  }
def squares(x):
    return (x ** 2) if x >= 0 else -(-x ** 2)

The function seemed to have executed properly, but when the result is used for this function 似乎已正确执行,但是当结果用于此

tmp = output_errors * output_network * (1.0 - output_network)

later, it shows the following error: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply后来,它显示以下错误: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply

However, no such error is seen when the following code is run:但是,运行以下代码时不会出现此类错误:

def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + numpy.e ** -x)

The entire Code is整个代码是

import time
import pickle
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
from datetime import datetime

def activate(x):
    negative_mask = x < 0
    x = x ** 2
    x[negative_mask] *= -1
    return x
    #return (x ** 2) if x > 0 else (-(x ** 2))
def truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=0, upp=10):
    return truncnorm((low - mean) / sd, (upp - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd)

def create_weight_matrices(no_of_in_nodes, no_of_out_nodes, no_of_hidden_nodes):
    rad = 1 / numpy.sqrt(no_of_in_nodes)
    X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)
    wih = X.rvs((no_of_hidden_nodes, no_of_in_nodes)) # Weight from Input to Hidden Layer
    rad = 1 / numpy.sqrt(no_of_hidden_nodes)
    X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)
    who = X.rvs((no_of_out_nodes, no_of_hidden_nodes)) # Weight from Hidden to Output Layer
    return wih, who

def train(wih, who, learning_rate, input_vector, target_vector):
    input_vector = numpy.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).T # Input Vector needs to be Transposed
    target_vector = numpy.array(target_vector, ndmin=2).T # Target Vector needs to be Transposed
    output_hidden = activate(numpy.dot(wih, input_vector))
    output_network = activate(numpy.dot(who, output_hidden))
    output_errors = target_vector - output_network
    tmp = output_errors * output_network * (1.0 - output_network)     
    who += learning_rate  * numpy.dot(tmp, output_hidden.T)

    hidden_errors = numpy.dot(who.T, output_errors)
    tmp = hidden_errors * output_hidden * (1.0 - output_hidden)
    wih += learning_rate * numpy.dot(tmp, input_vector.T)

    return wih, who

def identify(wih, who, input_vector):
    input_vector = numpy.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).T

    output_vector = numpy.dot(wih, input_vector)
    output_vector = activate(output_vector)
    output_vector = numpy.dot(who, output_vector)
    output_vector = activate(output_vector)

    return output_vector

image_size = 28 # Specified for the MNIST Dataset
no_of_different_labels = 10 # The Numbers from 0 to 9
image_pixels = image_size * image_size
data_path = "C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Athul/Academics B.Tech/Semester 6/Introduction to Data Communication/Mini Project - Digit Recognition/"

# MNIST Dataset has been pickled to make access faster!!!!
with open(data_path + "pickled_mnist.pkl", "br") as fh:
    data = pickle.load(fh)

train_imgs = data[0]
test_imgs = data[1]
train_labels = data[2]
test_labels = data[3]
train_labels_one_hot = data[4]
test_labels_one_hot = data[5]

no_of_in_nodes = image_pixels
no_of_out_nodes = 10 
no_of_hidden_nodes = 100
learning_rate = 0.2

#Create Weighted Matrix
wih, who = create_weight_matrices(no_of_in_nodes, no_of_out_nodes, no_of_hidden_nodes) #Create a Matrix to store the weights between Nodes

# Train the Neural Network (Assign Values to Weighted Matrix using the whole MNIST Dataset)
print("Initiating Training...")
start_time = datetime.now()
for i in range(int(len(train_imgs[:1000]))):
    wih, who = train(wih, who, learning_rate, train_imgs[i], train_labels_one_hot[i])
end_time = datetime.now()
print("Dataset has been Trained!!!\nTime taken = ", end = "")
print(end_time - start_time, end = "\n\n")

with open(data_path + "neural_net.pkl", "bw") as line:
    data = (wih, 
    pickle.dump(data, line)
print("Neural Net Pickled!!!!")

#Test the Neural Network using MNIST Dataset
count = 0;
max_right = 0
max_wrong = 0
min_right = 1
min_wrong = 1
for i in range(len(test_imgs)):
    result = identify(wih, who, test_imgs[i])
    if(int(test_labels[i][0]) != int(numpy.argmax(result))):
        if(max_wrong < numpy.max(result)):
            max_wrong = numpy.max(result)
        if(min_wrong > numpy.max(result)):
            min_wrong = numpy.max(result)
        count += 1;
        if(max_right < numpy.max(result)):
            max_right = numpy.max(result)
        if(min_right > numpy.max(result)):
            min_right = numpy.max(result)

accuracy = (count / len(test_imgs) ) * 100.0
print("Accuracy from testing with " + str(len(test_imgs)) + " pictures = " + str(accuracy) + "%")
max_right *= 100
max_wrong *= 100
min_right *= 100
min_wrong *= 100
print("Highest Accuracy of Right matches = " + str(max_right) + "%")
print("Highest Accuracy of Wrong matches = " + str(max_wrong) + "%")
print("Lowest Accuracy of Right matches = " + str(min_right) + "%")
print("Lowest Accuracy of Wrong matches = " + str(min_wrong) + "%")

It trains a Neural Network to recognize digits!!!它训练神经网络识别数字!!!

How large (or small, if negative) are the numbers are you trying to square?您要平方的数字有多大(或小,如果为负数)? Overflow means there aren't enough bits to store the result.溢出意味着没有足够的位来存储结果。 You could try using a numpy array with a larger dtype.您可以尝试使用具有更大 dtype 的 numpy 数组。 Here's an example of converting an existing array, or you can size it at creation time:这是一个转换现有数组的示例,或者您可以在创建时调整它的大小:

a = a.astype(numpy.float128)

And for the function, vectorizing like you did should work, or:对于 function,像你一样进行矢量化应该可以工作,或者:

negative_mask = a < 0
a = a ** 2
a[negative_mask] *= -1

You can use this for your function:您可以将其用于您的 function:

def squares(x):
    return (x**2) * np.sign(x)

But your issue seems to be coming from multiplying large numbers.但是您的问题似乎来自于将大数相乘。 Check out your max/min numbers.查看您的最大/最小数字。

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