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如何将 function 应用于分组集并将列绑定到现有 dataframe

[英]How to apply a function to grouped set and bind columns to existing dataframe

I'm looking to run a function on each group of a dataset, and bind the output to the existing set inside the tidyverse environment.我希望在数据集的每组上运行 function,并将 output 绑定到 tidyverse 环境中的现有集合。 After the example set, I've added how I do it right now, which requires splitting the set and running lapply (I want to move everything towards the tidyverse).在示例集之后,我添加了我现在的操作方式,这需要拆分集并运行 lapply(我想将所有内容移向 tidyverse)。


test = data.frame('high'=rnorm(100,10,0.1),'low'=rnorm(100,0,0.1), 'close'=rnorm(100,5,0.1)) 

      nFastK = 14, nFastD = 3, nSlowD = 3, 
      maType=list(list(SMA), list(SMA), list(SMA)),
      bounded = TRUE,
      smooth = 1)

Here is how it used to be done with lists:以下是过去使用列表的方式:

    get_stoch = function(dat_) {
  stochs = stoch(dat_ %>% select(-ticker), nFastK = 14, nFastD = 3, nSlowD = 3,
                 maType=list(list(SMA), list(SMA), list(SMA)),
                 bounded = TRUE, smooth = 1)
  dat_ = cbind(dat_,stochs)

test = data.frame('ticker'=c(rep('A',50),rep('B',50)),
                  'high'=rnorm(100,10,0.1),'low'=rnorm(100,0,0.1), 'close'=rnorm(100,5,0.1)) %>%
  split(.,.$ticker) %>%
  lapply(.,get_stoch) %>%

If you want to translate your code to tidyverse you can use:如果您想将您的代码翻译成tidyverse ,您可以使用:


df %>% group_split(ticker) %>% map_dfr(get_stoch)

You can use plyr::ddply to run a split-apply-bind method in tidyverse-like language:您可以使用plyr::ddply以类似 tidyverse 的语言运行split-apply-bind方法:

df <- data.frame(ticker = c(rep('A', 50), rep('B', 50)),
                 high   = rnorm(100, 10, 0.1),
                 low    = rnorm(100, 0, 0.1), 
                 close  = rnorm(100, 5, 0.1))

test1 <- df %>%
           split(.,.$ticker) %>%
           lapply(.,get_stoch) %>%

test2 <- df %>%
           ddply("ticker", get_stoch)

identical(test1, test2)
#> [1] TRUE

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