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替换 Powershell 中文件名的一部分

[英]Replace Part of a File Name in Powershell

I have files that look like this:我有看起来像这样的文件:

2020-0517-example.pdf 2020-0517-example.pdf

2020-0412-example.pdf 2020-0412-example.pdf

2020-0607-example.pdf 2020-0607-example.pdf

I would like to rename the files to:我想将文件重命名为:

2020-0723-example.pdf 2020-0723-example.pdf

2020-0723-example.pdf 2020-0723-example.pdf

2020-0723-example.pdf 2020-0723-example.pdf

I would basically be replacing the dates to today's date while keeping the year and the suffix.我基本上会将日期替换为今天的日期,同时保留年份和后缀。

If you want to add a bit of sanity checking to make sure you are dealing with dates, you can use pattern matching and then rename the partial date:如果您想添加一些完整性检查以确保您正在处理日期,您可以使用模式匹配,然后重命名部分日期:

$date = Get-Date -Format MMdd
Get-ChildItem -Path <filepath> -File |
    Where Basename -match '^(?:19|20)\d\d-(?:0[1-9]|1[012])\d\d-' |
        Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '(?<=^\d{4}-)\d{4}',$date } -whatif

Alternatively, you can parse the date string first to verify it using TryParseExact :或者,您可以先解析日期字符串以使用TryParseExact进行验证:

$date = Get-Date -Format MMdd
Get-ChildItem -Path <filepath> -File |
    Where Name -match '^\d{4}-\d{4}-' | Foreach-Object {
        if ([datetime]::TryParseExact($_.Name.Substring(0,9),'yyyy-MMdd',[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None,[ref]0)) {
            $FileParts = $_.Name -split '-',3
            Rename-Item -Path $_ -NewName ($FileParts[0],$date,$FileParts[2] -join '-') -WhatIf

You will need to remove the -WhatIf parameter for the rename operation to complete.您需要删除-WhatIf参数才能完成重命名操作。


Using -split '-',3 , we ensure that we are left with no more than three array elements.使用-split '-',3 ,我们确保剩下的数组元素不超过三个。 This provides a predictable number of indexes for putting the file name back together.这为将文件名重新组合在一起提供了可预测数量的索引。 [0] will be the year. [0]将是年份。 [1] will be the month-day. [1]将是月日。 [2] will be the remainder of the file name. [2]将是文件名的其余部分。

Please see the following for the -replace and -match regex details:有关-replace-match正则表达式的详细信息,请参阅以下内容:

Regex -Match正则表达式-匹配

Regex -Replace正则表达式 - 替换

You could split by "-" and stitch together with String.Format :您可以用"-"分割并与String.Format缝合在一起:

$filename = "2020-0517-example.pdf"
$today = Get-Date
$arr = $filename.Split("-")
$newname = "{0}-{1:MMdd}-{2}" -f $arr[0], $today, $arr[2]

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