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硬件乘法 ALU

[英]Hardware Multiplication ALU

I have multiplicand 5, multiplier 7 which they are binary representation:我有乘数 5,乘数 7,它们是二进制表示:

5 = 0101, 7 = 0111 (4-bit) 5 = 0101、7 = 0111(4 位)

Register A to save the data to be multiplied(Multiplicand).寄存器 A保存要相乘的数据(Multiplicand)。

Register B to save the multiplier data (Multiplier).寄存器 B保存乘数数据(Multiplier)。

Register P to save multiplication results.寄存器 P保存乘法结果。

Here is what I've tried这是我尝试过的在此处输入图像描述

Here is my reference on a journal:这是我在期刊上的参考:


Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong?有人可以指出我做错了什么吗? the binary result should be 00100011 (decimal: 35)二进制结果应为00100011 (十进制:35)

During addition, you failed to propagate the carry to left and have erroneously labelled it "carry out".在加法期间,您未能将进位传播到左侧并错误地将其标记为“执行”。 It should be added to bit to left, this will also generate a carry so repeat the process.它应该被添加到左边,这也会产生一个进位,所以重复这个过程。

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