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我可以使用 agora_rtc 在 Flutter 中实现一对一的语音通话(VOIP)吗?

[英]Can i implement one to one voice call(VOIP) in Flutter using agora_rtc?

Looking to make an app which supports one to one call (voice only) using agora_rtc_engine .Where user can call to specific user I would like to know how to in flutter we can be able add this feature and to show a incoming call screen or push notification as there is no example in the their official documentation.希望使用agora_rtc_engine制作一个支持一对一通话(仅限语音)的应用程序。用户可以在哪里呼叫特定用户我想知道如何在 flutter 中添加此功能并显示来电屏幕或推送通知,因为他们的官方文档中没有示例。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

If you want to use the agora_rtc_engine that you shared then you can simply call disableVideo() function before joining the channel.如果您想使用您分享的agora_rtc_engine ,那么您可以在加入频道之前调用disableVideo() function。 You can clone this repo over here and replace enableVideo() with disableAudio() and you will have your 1 to 1 audio calling.您可以在此处克隆此存储库并将enableVideo()替换为disableAudio() ,您将进行 1 对 1 音频通话。

Although a more traditional approach will be to use the Agora voice calling SDK for Flutter: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Flutter-SDK/tree/audio-only虽然更传统的方法是使用 Agora 语音呼叫 SDK 为 Flutter: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Flutter-SDK/tree

Agora does not provide any API to send push notification. Agora 不提供任何 API 来发送推送通知。 You can use callKeep to push notification to a user with an incoming call screen.您可以使用callKeep通过来电屏幕向用户推送通知。

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