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Flutter - 使用 Agora 的来电功能

[英]Flutter - Incoming call feature using Agora

Hi I have created an application for video calling using agora package, I would like to know how to in flutter we can be able to show a incoming call screen or push notification.嗨,我已经使用 agora package 创建了一个视频通话应用程序,我想知道如何在 flutter 中我们可以显示来电屏幕或推送通知。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Personally, I used stacked_services to show a custom dialog (without context) from my service when I receive an icoming call.就我个人而言,当我收到来电时,我使用stacked_services显示来自我的服务的自定义对话框(没有上下文)。

I then changed the Dialog() to a Scaffold() to make it a full screen notification that was completely customizable.然后我将 Dialog() 更改为 Scaffold() 以使其成为完全可定制的全屏通知。

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