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Postman 桌面应用程序在 Windows 上运行缓慢 10

[英]Postman desktop app is slow on Windows 10

I had an issue with Postman desktop app and the issue was it became so slow that made it almost useless, I had to restart it after making each request.我遇到了 Postman 桌面应用程序的问题,问题是它变得如此缓慢以至于几乎没用,我必须在发出每个请求后重新启动它。

To add to this I had a similar issue but it was because I had turned on the Postman Interceptor which was feeding all my browser requests into Postman history.除此之外,我遇到了类似的问题,但这是因为我打开了 Postman 拦截器,它将我的所有浏览器请求输入 Postman 历史记录。 Deleting Postman history fixed all my issues.删除 Postman 历史记录解决了我的所有问题。

Just wanted to leave this here for someone else in case that is their issue as I couldnt find anything on it when I was looking只是想把这个留给其他人,以防这是他们的问题,因为我在寻找的时候找不到任何东西

I found the cause of the issue and though that might be helpful for others as well.我找到了问题的原因,尽管这可能对其他人也有帮助。 It was caused by Postman Chrome extension.它是由 Postman Chrome 扩展程序引起的。 I removed the extension and Postman desktop as now back to normal.我删除了扩展和 Postman 桌面,现在恢复正常。 Hope it was helpful.希望对您有所帮助。

I have the same issue.我有同样的问题。 None of the above solution works.上述解决方案均无效。 Basically it has something to do with the GPU.基本上它与 GPU 有关。 I tried upgrade the Nvidia video driver but still no luck.我尝试升级 Nvidia 视频驱动程序,但仍然没有成功。 Finally I found this and it solved my problem.最后我找到了这个,它解决了我的问题。 All you have to do is to add a parameter POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU = true in your Windows environment variable for your Account (or system account).您所要做的就是在您的帐户(或系统帐户)的 Windows 环境变量中添加一个参数 POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU = true 。

https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/4594#issuecomment-391601621 https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/4594#issuecomment-391601621

All you have to do is to add a parameter POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU = true in your Windows environment variable for your Account (or system account).您所要做的就是在您的帐户(或系统帐户)的 Windows 环境变量中添加一个参数 POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU = true 。

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