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Seaborn 条形 Plot,日期为 X 轴

[英]Seaborn Bar Plot with Dates as X-Axis

I have tried unsuccessfully to create a bar plot of a time series dataset.我尝试创建时间序列数据集的条形 plot 未成功。 I have tried converting the dates to Pandas Datetime objects, Timestamp Objects, primitive strings, floats, and ints.我尝试将日期转换为 Pandas 日期时间对象、时间戳对象、原始字符串、浮点数和整数。 No matter what I do, I get the following error: TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Timestamp' Here are a few minimal examples that produce the error:无论我做什么,我都会收到以下错误: TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Timestamp'下面是一些产生错误的最小示例:

  1. Here, the 'Date' object is of type <class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp'>, so I know why this doesn't work:在这里,“日期”object 的类型是 <class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp'>,所以我知道为什么这不起作用:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns

def main():
    path = 'Data/AQ+RX Counts.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(path, parse_dates=['Date'], index_col=['Date'])
    weekly_df = df.resample('W').mean().reset_index()
    weekly_df['count'] = df['count'].resample('W').sum().reset_index()
    sns.barplot(x = 'Date', y='count', data = weekly_df)

  1. I then tried making the dates floats, intending to format them back to dates after, but this still doesnt work:然后我尝试使日期浮动,打算将它们格式化回之后的日期,但这仍然不起作用:
   dates = mdates.datestr2num(weekly_df.Date.astype(str))
   weekly_df['n_dates'] = dates

   sns.barplot(x = 'n_dates', y='count', data = weekly_df)
  1. I also tried making them integers, to no avail:我也尝试将它们设为整数,但无济于事:
    dates = mdates.datestr2num(weekly_df.Date.astype(str))
    dates = dates.astype(int)
    dates = pd.Series(dates)
    weekly_df['n_dates'] = dates

    sns.barplot(x = 'n_dates', y='count', data = weekly_df)

I've tried many other variations, and all produce the same error.我尝试了许多其他变体,并且都产生相同的错误。 I've even compared it to other code and verified that all the types are identical, and the comparison code works fine.我什至将它与其他代码进行了比较,并验证了所有类型都是相同的,并且比较代码工作正常。 I am at a complete loss of where to go from here.我完全不知道从这里到 go 的位置。

Dataframe: Dataframe:


  • The transformation in the function is converting 'count' from floats to a datetime dtype. function 中的转换将'count'从浮点数转换为日期时间数据类型。
  • Using the posted sample data使用发布的样本数据
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

path = 'data/test.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(path, parse_dates=['Date'], index_col=['Date'])

# display(df)
                 WSA       WSV         WDV       WSM        SGT        T2M       T10M   DELTA_T        PBAR       SRAD          RH       PM25        AQI  count
2015-01-01  1.070833  0.875000  132.958333  3.470833  35.391667  30.729167  30.625000 -0.116667  738.825000  72.666667   99.754167  24.808333  73.307931    0.0
2015-01-02  1.108696  0.939130  148.478261  3.734783  32.465217  34.391304  34.278261 -0.117391  738.347826  61.391304  100.013043  23.500000  64.150725    4.0
2015-01-03  1.017391  0.717391  168.043478  3.773913  42.717391  36.247826  36.160870 -0.095652  739.443478  49.608696  100.769565  20.460870  55.652711    0.0
2015-01-04  1.000000  0.600000  159.958333  3.850000  49.150000  38.887500  38.666667 -0.225000  741.500000  31.541667  101.479167  13.012500  46.835258    0.0
2015-01-05  1.033333  0.441667  137.000000  4.000000  57.566667  42.995833  42.945833 -0.050000  742.533333  44.583333  101.004167  16.654167  52.420271    4.0
2015-01-06  0.781818  0.559091  114.727273  3.654545  42.868182  40.740909  41.095455  0.368182  740.904545  48.272727  100.577273  21.954545  67.318339    6.0
2015-01-07  0.973913  0.830435  110.826087  3.956522  30.817391  40.365217  40.595652  0.221739  739.865217  60.043478  100.195652  24.456522  72.347251    6.0
2015-01-08  0.983333  0.825000  156.500000  4.208333  32.670833  41.520833  41.366667 -0.129167  736.350000  69.583333   99.958333  22.275000  65.770725   10.0
2015-01-09  0.958333  0.729167  133.708333  3.379167  39.645833  42.279167  42.158333 -0.116667  735.204167  60.416667  100.041667  19.370833  59.085129   10.0
2015-01-10  0.966667  0.758333  164.500000  3.675000  37.345833  42.962500  42.775000 -0.200000  734.287500  41.500000  100.120833  14.658333  49.314653    0.0

# resample mean
dfr = df.resample('W').mean()

# add the resampled sum to dfr
dfr['mean'] = df['count'].resample('W').sum()

# reset index
dfr = dfr.reset_index()

# display(dfr)
        Date       WSA       WSV         WDV       WSM        SGT        T2M       T10M   DELTA_T        PBAR       SRAD          RH       PM25        AQI  count  mean
0 2015-01-04  1.049230  0.782880  152.359601  3.707382  39.931069  35.063949  34.932699 -0.138678  739.529076  53.802083  100.503986  20.445426  59.986656    1.0   4.0
1 2015-01-11  0.949566  0.690615  136.210282  3.812261  40.152457  41.810743  41.822823  0.015681  738.190794  54.066590  100.316321  19.894900  61.042728    6.0  36.0

# plot dfr
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 10)) 
fig = sns.barplot(x='Date', y='count', data=dfr)

# configure the xaxis ticks from datetime to date
x_dates = dfr.Date.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').sort_values().unique()
ax.set_xticklabels(labels=x_dates, rotation=90, ha='right')



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