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我希望我的代码只显示 2 位小数

[英]I would like my code to only show 2 decimal places

I have this code written, and when I execute it, it shows up to 10 decimal places.我编写了这段代码,当我执行它时,它最多显示 10 位小数。 I was wondering if there was a way to remove the excess decimal places.我想知道是否有办法删除多余的小数位。

Now, I have tried this:现在,我试过这个:

price= price.tofixed(2);价格=价格.tofixed(2);

but this does not seem to work, and I don't understand why.但这似乎不起作用,我不明白为什么。

var weight = parseFloat(prompt("weight in lbs", "10"));
weight = weight.toFixed(2);
var price;
price= price.tofixed(2);

// writes down the volumes of triangles-->
document.write("<p>the weight is  : "+weight+"</p>");


// else if statements which will calculate the price of the shipping -->
if(weight <= 2) price=weight*1.10;
else if (weight>=2 && weight<=6) price=weight*2.20;
else if(weight>6 && weight<=10) price=weight*3.70;
else if(weight>10) price=weight*3.80;

document.write("<p>the price of the item's shipping is  "+price+"</p>");

Since you want the value to be formatted like a currency amount you can use the Intl.NumberFormat like this:由于您希望将值格式化为货币金额,您可以像这样使用Intl.NumberFormat

document.write("<p>the price of the item's shipping is  "+ 
  new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }).format(price) +

You need to call price.toFixed after price has been assigned.您需要在分配price后调用price.toFixed eg:例如:

else if(weight>10) price=weight*3.80;

price = price.toFixed(2);    

document.write("<p>the price of the item's shipping is  "+price+"</p>");

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