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Python 装饰器用于检查返回类型:特别是检查嵌套的东西,如 List[List[List[str]]]

[英]Python decorator for checking the return type: Especially check for nested things like List[List[List[str]]]

I'm trying to write my one python decorator for type checking.我正在尝试编写我的一个 python 装饰器来进行类型检查。 It works well, but struggles with nested type hints.它工作得很好,但在嵌套类型提示方面遇到了困难。 For example take例如采取

def fun(x: int) -> List[List[List[str]]]:
    return [[[str(x)]]]


I have a decorator, which eveluates the function and checks, if the actual return value has the expected type:我有一个装饰器,它评估 function 并检查实际返回值是否具有预期的类型:

import inspect
# inside the decorator
actual_result = func(*args, **kwargs)              # [[['42']]]
expected_result_type = spec.annotations['return']  # typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[str]]]

And now is challenge to check is [[['42']]] has type typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[str]]] .现在检查的挑战是[[['42']]]有类型typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[str]]] How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

All I found out, is that [[['42']]] has simply type <class 'list'> which ignores the information about nesting completly.我发现, [[['42']]]只是简单地键入<class 'list'> ,它完全忽略了有关嵌套的信息。 And I can check this with我可以检查一下

if hasattr(expected_result_type, '__origin__'):
    expected_result_type = expected_result_type.__origin__

if expected_result_type is not None:
    assert isinstance(result, expected_result_type)
else: # None is kind of a special case
    assert result is expected_result_type

This works on the "outer layer", but ignores nested type hints.这适用于“外层”,但忽略嵌套类型提示。 Is there any way to check all layers?有什么方法可以检查所有图层吗?

The simple answer would be:简单的答案是:

Simply recurse into all arguments like:简单地递归到所有 arguments 像:

def type_check(value, annotation):
    if isinstance(annotation, type):
        return isinstance(value, annotation)
    elif annotation == typing.T or annotation == typing.Any:
        return True
    elif isinstance(annotation, typing._GenericAlias):
        if annotation.__origin__ == list:
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                return False
            inner_annotation = annotation.__args__[0]
            return all(type_check(val, inner_annotation) for val in value)


>>> type_check(5, int)
>>> type_check([1, 2, 3], typing.List[int])
>>> type_check([1, 2, 3], typing.List[float])

Which you can simply use in you decorator.你可以简单地在你的装饰器中使用它。 It might be improved to handle Dict, Tuple and other common types.它可能会改进以处理 Dict、Tuple 和其他常见类型。

However it's just a toy example, if you want to do robust dynamic type checking, you'll have to handle Generator , Callable , Iterator etc... which is not only quite complex but also in some case completely impossible (Iterators for example can't be checked unless iterated over).然而,这只是一个玩具示例,如果你想进行健壮的动态类型检查,你将不得不处理GeneratorCallableIterator等......这不仅非常复杂,而且在某些情况下完全不可能(例如 Iterators 可以'除非迭代,否则不会被检查)。

Have a look at the enforce project which is exactly that: a python dynamic type checking using decorators.看看enforce 项目,它就是这样:使用装饰器的python 动态类型检查。 The typing module source code is also really interesting to read, but really pushes the limits of what dynamic introspection can do. typing模块的源代码读起来也很有趣,但确实突破了动态自省的极限。

Hope it helps;)希望能帮助到你;)

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