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Python Pandas Dataframe idxmax 太慢了。 备择方案?

[英]Python Pandas Dataframe idxmax is so slow. Alternatives?

I'm trying to select rows out of groups by max value using df.loc[df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax()] .我正在尝试使用df.loc[df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax()]按最大值将 select 行出组。

I'm finding, however, that df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax() takes a really long time on my dataset of about 27M rows.但是,我发现df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax()在我大约 27M 行的数据集上需要很长时间。 Interestingly, running df.groupby(keys)['column'].max() on my dataset takes only 13 seconds while running df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax() takes 55 minutes.有趣的是,在我的数据集上运行df.groupby(keys)['column'].max()只需要 13 秒,而运行df.groupby(keys)['column'].idxmax()需要 55 分钟。 I don't understand why returning the indexes of the rows takes 250 times longer than returning a value from the row.我不明白为什么返回行的索引比从行返回值要长 250 倍。 Maybe there is something I can do to speed up idxmax?也许我可以做些什么来加快 idxmax?

If not, is there an alternative way of selecting rows out of groups by max value that might be faster than using idxmax?如果没有,是否有另一种方法可以通过最大值从组中选择行,这可能比使用 idxmax 更快?

For additional info, I'm using two keys and sorted the dataframe on those keys prior to the groupby and idxmax operations.有关其他信息,我使用两个键并在 groupby 和 idxmax 操作之前对这些键上的 dataframe 进行排序。 Here's what it looks like in Jupyter Notebook:这是它在 Jupyter Notebook 中的样子:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('/data/Broadband Data/fbd_us_without_satellite_jun2019_v1.csv', encoding='ANSI', \
    usecols=['BlockCode', 'HocoNum', 'HocoFinal', 'TechCode', 'Consumer', 'MaxAdDown', 'MaxAdUp'])
df = df[df.Consumer == 1]
df.sort_values(['BlockCode', 'HocoNum'], inplace=True)
              HocoNum                  HocoFinal        BlockCode  TechCode
    4631064    130077                  AT&T Inc.   10010201001000        10   
    4679561    130077                  AT&T Inc.   10010201001000        11   
    28163032   130235     Charter Communications   10010201001000        43   
    11134756   131480  WideOpenWest Finance, LLC   10010201001000        42   
    11174634   131480  WideOpenWest Finance, LLC   10010201001000        50   
    ...           ...                        ...              ...       ...   
    15389917   190062          Broadband VI, LLC  780309900000014        70   
    10930322   130081    ATN International, Inc.  780309900000015        70   
    15389918   190062          Broadband VI, LLC  780309900000015        70   
    10930323   130081    ATN International, Inc.  780309900000016        70   
    15389919   190062          Broadband VI, LLC  780309900000016        70   

              Consumer  MaxAdDown  MaxAdUp  
    4631064          1        6.0    0.512  
    4679561          1       18.0    0.768  
    28163032         1      940.0   35.000  
    11134756         1     1000.0   50.000  
    11174634         1     1000.0   50.000  
    ...            ...        ...      ...  
    15389917         1       25.0    5.000  
    10930322         1       25.0    5.000  
    15389918         1       25.0    5.000  
    10930323         1       25.0    5.000  
    15389919         1       25.0    5.000  

    [26991941 rows x 7 columns]
    Wall time: 21.6 s

%time df.groupby(['BlockCode', 'HocoNum'])['MaxAdDown'].max()

    Wall time: 13 s
    BlockCode        HocoNum
    10010201001000   130077       18.0
                     130235      940.0
                     131480     1000.0
    10010201001001   130235      940.0
    10010201001002   130077        6.0
    780309900000014  190062       25.0
    780309900000015  130081       25.0
                     190062       25.0
    780309900000016  130081       25.0
                     190062       25.0
    Name: MaxAdDown, Length: 20613795, dtype: float64

%time df.groupby(['BlockCode', 'HocoNum'])['MaxAdDown'].idxmax()

Wall time: 55min 24s
BlockCode        HocoNum
10010201001000   130077      4679561
                 130235     28163032
                 131480     11134756
10010201001001   130235     28163033
10010201001002   130077      4637222
780309900000014  190062     15389917
780309900000015  130081     10930322
                 190062     15389918
780309900000016  130081     10930323
                 190062     15389919
Name: MaxAdDown, Length: 20613795, dtype: int64

You'll see in the very first rows of data there are two entries for AT&T in the same BlockCode, one for MaxAdDown of 6Mbps and one for 18Mbps.您将在第一行数据中看到,在同一个 BlockCode 中有两个 AT&T 条目,一个用于 6Mbps 的 MaxAdDown,一个用于 18Mbps。 I want to keep the 18Mbps row and drop the 6Mbps row, so that there is one row per company per BlockCode that has the the maximum MaxAdDown value.我想保留 18Mbps 行并删除 6Mbps 行,以便每个 BlockCode 的每个公司都有一行具有最大 MaxAdDown 值。 I need the entire row, not just the MaxAdDown value.我需要整行,而不仅仅是 MaxAdDown 值。

sort and drop duplicates:排序并删除重复项:

df.sort('MaxAdDown').drop_duplicates(['BlockCode', 'HocoNum'], keep='last')

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