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Python Pandas Groupby forloop和Idxmax

[英]Python Pandas groupby forloop & Idxmax

I have a DataFrame that must be grouped on three levels, and would then have the highest value returned. 我有一个DataFrame,必须将其分为三个级别,然后才能返回最高值。 Each day there is a return for each unique value, and I would like to find the highest return and the details. 每天都有唯一值的回报,我想找到最高的回报和详细信息。


The return would show that: 回报将显示:

Target   - Dish Soap - House       had a 5% ROI on 9/17
Best Buy - CDs       - Electronics had a 3% ROI on 9/3

was the highest. 是最高的。

Here's some example data: 这是一些示例数据:

| Industry | Product   | Industry    | Date    | ROI |
| Target   | Dish Soap | House       | 9/17/13 | 5%  |
| Target   | Dish Soap | House       | 9/16/13 | 2%  |
| BestBuy  | CDs       | Electronics | 9/1/13  | 1%  |
| BestBuy  | CDs       | Electroincs | 9/3/13  | 3%  |
| ...

Not sure if this would be a for loop, or using .ix. 不知道这是for循环还是使用.ix。

I think, if I understand you correctly, you could collect the index values in a Series using groupby and idxmax() , and then select those rows from df using loc : 我认为,如果我对您的理解正确,则可以使用groupbyidxmax()收集Series中的索引值,然后使用locdf选择这些行:

idx =  data.groupby(['Company','Product','Industry'])['ROI'].idxmax()

another option is to use reindex : 另一种选择是使用reindex


On a (different) dataframe I happened to have handy, it appears reindex might be the faster option: 在我碰巧很方便的(不同的)数据帧上,看来reindex可能是更快的选择:

In [39]: %timeit df.reindex(idx)
10000 loops, best of 3: 121 us per loop

In [40]: %timeit df.loc[idx]
10000 loops, best of 3: 147 us per loop

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