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如何在 Robo3T 中将结果从一个查询传递到另一个查询

[英]How to pass results from one query to another in Robo3T

I'm trying to pass the results from one MongoDB query to another but the results are in Object and I need it as an Array.我试图将一个 MongoDB 查询的结果传递给另一个,但结果在 Object 中,我需要它作为一个数组。 Example:例子:

var locId = db.getCollection('locations').find({country:"France"}, {_id:1}).toArray()

How can I pass the results to another query:如何将结果传递给另一个查询:

db.getCollection('products').find({locId: {$in: locId }})

The results from the first query are something like:第一个查询的结果类似于:

array[1] [
obj[0] {_id: LocId123},
obj[1] {_id: LocId456},
obj[1] {_id: LocId789},

I was able to pass the values with this:我能够用这个传递值:

locId = Array.from(locId , value => value._id )

The problem is that I cannot encapsulate this in an external function because I cannot pass this "_id" by the function parameters.问题是我无法将其封装在外部 function 中,因为我无法通过 function 参数传递此“_id”。 Any ideas on how to automate it?关于如何自动化它的任何想法?

You can use aggregate() to combine all ids in a array,您可以使用aggregate()组合数组中的所有 id,

  • $match country condition $匹配country条件
  • $group by null means none and push _id in array ids $group by null表示无并在数组ids中推送_id
  • $project to show _ids and hide _id $project显示_ids并隐藏_id
var locId = db.getCollection('locations').aggregate([
  { $match: { country: "france" } },
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      ids: { $push: "$_id" }
    $project: { _id: 0, ids: 1 }

Playground: https://mongoplayground.net/p/8_uzjCNMy00游乐场: https://mongoplayground.net/p/8_uzjCNMy00


    "ids": [1, 2, 3]

You Can Access:您可以访问:

db.getCollection('products').find({locId: {$in: locId[0]['ids'] }})

If you want to combine both query in single aggregation query then try,如果您想在单个聚合查询中组合两个查询,请尝试,

  • $match country condition $match country条件
  • $lookup to join products collection using localField _id to foreignField locId $lookup使用 localField _id加入products集合到 foreignField locId
  • $unwind to deconstruct products array $unwind解构products数组
  • $group by _id null and push all products in products $group by _id null 并推送产品中的所有products
  • $unwind to deconstruct products array $unwind解构products数组
  • $project to show required fields $project显示必填字段
var products = db.getCollection('locations').aggregate([
    $match: { country: "france" }
    $lookup: {
      from: "products",
      as: "products",
      localField: "_id",
      foreignField: "locId"
  { $unwind: "$products" },
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      products: { $push: "$products" }
  { $unwind: "$products" },
    $project: {
      _id: "$products._id",
      locId: "$products.locId"

Playground: https://mongoplayground.net/p/xOnohm0OWBV游乐场: https://mongoplayground.net/p/xOnohm0OWBV

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