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如何从 Try/Catch 块中仅获取一行错误描述?

[英]How can I get only one line of error description from Try/Catch block?

I am trying to only get the one-line description of the error message in the below code when the destination URL in the Array of Strings is not reachable or having some other issue.当字符串数组中的目标 URL 无法访问或有其他问题时,我试图仅在以下代码中获取错误消息的单行描述。

$serverName = 'bong.com', 'bing.com', 'hotel.com', 'hotels.com'
$statusCodesAllowed = (200, 302, 401) #Update this array to include the HTTP status codes that you want to mark as OK.$stat = 0

Foreach ($URL in $serverName) {
    Try {
        $web = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$url -Method Head -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
        $stat = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $web.statusCode)
        Write-Host "`nURL: $(($URL -split '/')[0]) - $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($URL -split '/')[0]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host 'Statistic.Status: '$stat -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host 'Message.Status: ' $web.StatusCode $web.StatusDescription -ForegroundColor Green
    Catch {
        $statusCode = ($_.Exception.Message.Substring(($_.Exception.Message.IndexOf('(') + 1), 3))
        $stat = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $statusCode)
        Write-Host "`nURL: $(($URL -split '/')[0]) - $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($URL -split '/')[0]))" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Warning -Message "Error in resolving $URL"
        Write-Warning 'Message.Status: '$_.Exception.Message -Verbose
    Finally { Remove-Variable serverName, statusCodesAllowed, stat, web, statusCode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

The expected result is like below.预期结果如下所示。 Place the working URL on top and the URL contains error result at the bottom.将工作的 URL 放在顶部,URL 在底部包含错误结果。

URL: bing.com -
Statistic.Status:  1
Message.Status:  200 OK

URL: bong.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving bong.com
   'The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.'.

URL: hotel.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving hotel.com
   'Unable to connect to the remote server'.
URL: hotels.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving hotels.com
   'The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.'.

I do not need the error details on the source code.我不需要源代码上的错误详细信息。

Like this?像这样?

$serverName = 'bong.com', 'bing.com', 'hotel.com', 'hotels.com'
$statusCodesAllowed = (200, 302, 401) #Update this array to include the HTTP status codes that you want to mark as OK.$stat = 0

$URLarray = $serverName | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host "Processing:" $_
    Try {
        $web = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$_ -Method Head -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
        $stat = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $web.statusCode)
        $IPs = $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($_ -split '/')[0]))
        $StatusCode = $web.StatusCode
        $StatusDesc = $web.StatusDescription
    Catch {
        $statusCode = ($_.Exception.Message.Substring(($_.Exception.Message.IndexOf('(') + 1), 3))
        $stat = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $statusCode)
        $IPs = $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($URL -split '/')[0]))
        $StatusCode = "Error"
        $StatusDesc = $_.Exception.Message


All you results are in $URLarray - you can output/format as you wish eg所有结果都在 $URLarray 中 - 您可以根据需要输出/格式化,例如

$URLarray | Sort-Object Status | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Host "`nURL:"$_.URL" - " $_.IPs -ForegroundColor Yellow
    If ($_.Status -ne "Error") {
        Write-Host $_.Status -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host $_.StatusDetail -ForegroundColor Green
    Else {
        Write-Host "Error:"  $_.StatusDetail -ForegroundColor Red

Mia culpa for the late response, but, you know, stuff. Mia culpa 迟到的回应,但是,你知道的,东西。

To get the layout/colorization you show in your post, even without PSCustomerObject (as @Scepticalist shows, which is more elegant and useable especially for sending to a file/csv report/Excel, etc.), you could just do this.要获得您在帖子中显示的布局/着色,即使没有 PSCustomerObject(如@Scepticalist 所示,它更优雅且特别适用于发送到文件/csv 报告/Excel 等),您可以这样做。

$serverName = 'bong.com', 'bing.com', 'hotel.com', 'hotels.com' 
Foreach ($URL in $serverName) 
    $statusCodesAllowed = (200, 302, 401)
        $web            = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$url -Method Head -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
        $stat           = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $web.statusCode)
        $HostName       = Write-Host "`nURL: $(($URL -split '/')[0]) - $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($URL -split '/')[0]))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $HostStatistics = Write-Host 'Statistic.Status: '$stat -ForegroundColor Green
        $HostStatus     = Write-Host 'Message.Status: ' $web.StatusCode $web.StatusDescription -ForegroundColor Green
        $statusCode   = ($_.Exception.Message.Substring(($PSItem.Exception.Message.IndexOf('(') + 1), 3))
        $stat         = [int]($statusCodesAllowed -contains $statusCode)
        $HostName     = Write-Host "`nURL: $(($URL -split '/')[0]) - $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(($URL -split '/')[0]))" -ForegroundColor Red
        $ErrorMessage = Write-Warning -Message "Error in resolving $URL `n`tMessage.Status: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" -Verbose
           Remove-Variable serverName, statusCodesAllowed, stat, web, statusCode, 
           Hostname, HostStatistics, HostStatus, 
           ErrorMessage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

# Results
URL: bong.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving bong.com 
    Message.Status: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

URL: bing.com - 2620:1ec:c11::200
Statistic.Status:  1
Message.Status:  200 OK

URL: hotel.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving hotel.com 
    Message.Status: Unable to connect to the remote server

URL: hotels.com -
WARNING: Error in resolving hotels.com 
    Message.Status: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.

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