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相当于 |more for python dir / help()

[英]equivalent of |more for python dir / help()

I'm using the Spyder ide and if I do help(scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) I get a lot of output on the screen.我正在使用 Spyder ide,如果我有help(scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) ,我会在屏幕上看到很多 output。 Is it possible to display it page by page?是否可以逐页显示? Something like what | more像什么| more | more does on Bash. Bash 的| more功能。 eg ls | more例如ls | more ls | more

( Spyder maintainer here ) To activate a pager inside our consoles, you need to go to the menu 这里是 Spyder 维护者)要在我们的控制台中激活寻呼机,您需要 go 到菜单

Tools > Preferences > IPython console > Display

and activate the option called Use a pager to display additional text inside the console .并激活名为Use a pager to display additional text inside the console的选项。

However, a way more comfortable way to read docs inside Spyder is by simply pressing Ctrl + I ( Cmd + I on macOS) in front of an object and see those docs rendered as an html page inside our Help pane.但是,在 Spyder 中阅读文档的一种更舒适的方法是在 object 前面按Ctrl + I (macOS 上为Cmd + I ),然后在我们的帮助窗格中查看那些呈现为 ZFC35FDC70D5FC69D269883A822 页面的文档。

Note : Paging is broken as of October 2020. Given that's been the case for years without no one noticing it, we decided to remove it in our next version (4.2.0), to be released in November 2020.注意:截至 2020 年 10 月,分页已损坏。鉴于多年来一直没有人注意到这种情况,我们决定在 2020 年 11 月发布的下一个版本 (4.2.0) 中将其删除。

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