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将字节数组转换为 numpy 数组的最快方法

[英]Fastest way to convert a bytearray into a numpy array

I have a bytearray which I want to convert to a numpy array of int16 to perform FFT operations on.我有一个字节数组,我想将其转换为bytearrayint16数组以执行 FFT 操作。 The bytearray is coming out of a UDP socket so first I convert two consecutive bytes into an int16 using struct.unpack , and then convert it a numpy array using np.asarray . bytearray 来自 UDP 套接字,所以首先我使用 struct.unpack 将两个连续字节转换为int16 ,然后使用struct.unpack将其转换为np.asarray数组。

Current approach, however, is too slow.然而,目前的方法太慢了。 Original bytearray is of length 1e6 bytes, so each of the mentioned steps ( struct.unpack and np.asarray ) takes 20 ms and with a total of 40ms.原始bytearray的长度为 1e6 字节,因此上述每个步骤( struct.unpacknp.asarray )需要 20 毫秒,总共需要 40 毫秒。 This is a relatively long frame time for my applications so I need it a bit shortened.对于我的应用程序来说,这是一个相对较长的帧时间,所以我需要缩短一点。

Currently, I'm doing this:目前,我正在这样做:

temp1 = self.data_buffer[0:FRAME_LEN_B]
self.temp_list = np.asarray(struct.unpack('h' * (len(temp1) // 2), temp1))

You can try np.frombuffer .你可以试试np.frombuffer This can wrap any object supporting the buffer protocol , whichbytearray explicitly does, into an array:这可以将任何支持缓冲区协议的 object (bytearray明确执行)包装到一个数组中:

arr = np.frombuffer(self.data_buffer, dtype=np.int16, size=FRAME_LEN_B // 2)

You can manipulate the array however you want after that: slice, reshape, transpose, etc.之后,您可以随心所欲地操作数组:切片、整形、转置等。

If your native byte order is opposite to what you have coming in from the network, you can swap the interpretation order without having to swap the data in-place:如果您的本机字节顺序与您从网络传入的字节顺序相反,您可以交换解释顺序而无需就地交换数据:

dt = np.dtype(np.int16)
arr = np.frombuffer(self.data_buffer, dtype=dt, size=FRAME_LEN_B // 2)

If the order is non-native, operations on the array may take longer, as the data will have to be swapped every time on the fly.如果订单是非本地的,则对数组的操作可能需要更长的时间,因为每次都必须即时交换数据。 You can therefore change the byte order in-place ahead of time if that is the case:因此,如果是这种情况,您可以提前就地更改字节顺序:


This will overwrite the contents of the original packet.这将覆盖原始数据包的内容。 If you want to make a separate copy, just set inplace=False , which is the default.如果要制作单独的副本,只需设置inplace=False ,这是默认设置。

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