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[英]Fastest way to fill numpy array with random numbers

Is there a faster way to get a numpy array filled with random numbers than the built in numpy.random.rand(count) function? 是否有更快的方法来获得一个充满随机数的numpy数组而不是内置的numpy.random.rand(count)函数? I know that the built in method is using the Mersenne Twister. 我知道内置方法是使用Mersenne Twister。

I would like to use numpy for monte carlo simulations, and fetching the random numbers is taking a significant portion of the time. 我想使用numpy进行蒙特卡罗模拟,并且获取随机数是占用大部分时间的。 A simple example, calculating pi by monte carlo integration with 200E6 random numbers is only processing about 116.8 MB/s through my program. 一个简单的例子,通过monte carlo与200E6随机数进行积分计算pi只能通过我的程序处理大约116.8 MB / s。 A comprable program written in C++ using xor128() as the generator processes several hundred MB/s. 使用xor128()作为生成器以C ++编写的可编译程序处理数百MB / s。

EDIT: Miscalculated generation rate 编辑:计算的生成率

You could perhaps get a slight increase in performance by reducing the accuracy - if this is acceptable. 如果可以接受,你可能会通过降低准确性来略微提高性能。 I did this by using randint and scaling: 我通过使用randint和缩放来做到这一点:

Using ipython %%timeit 使用ipython %%timeit

count =1000


10000 loops, best of 3: 24.3us per loop


10000 loops, best of 3: 21.4us per loop

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